OOC: lol BIC: Lill knelt beside Matt.
Lament waved her hand over the rose that Ren had given her and it dissapeared.
" Oh so you found out too huh? Well lets see, I was captured by Zed, he took me to this underground cave and locked me in a cell with a girl named Sam. Then Velox came and busted us out. Then there was a lot of fighting, then Matt showed up all beserk and the only way to stop him was to put his energy into this lock that opened up a gate. Inside of the gate was a special stone that Zed and this other guy named Grim wanted. Then everything is blank untill I woke up outside." Lilly explained. OOC: Sorry I gtg bye
Lilly rolled her eyes. " Sometimes it seems as if you have no guilt at all Rob." Lilly mumbled.
OOC: Oh um well if you have a photo scanner then you could do that or if you have a digital camera then that would work too. BIC: " Matt!" Lilly said and bent down next to him. " Rob why did you do that?" She asked looking up at him.
Lilly stood up and followed him. " Where are you going?" She asked. BIC: Or imageshack.us
OOC: lol, yeah sure BIC: " But if you hadn't of come then I probably would have been killed by now." Lilly said.
Lament smiled and blushed. " Thank you... no one has ever told me that before." She said.
Lament walked up to Ren. " That was amazing! Oh this is yours." She said handing him his rose.
OOC: Uhhhh a sunburnt penguin? BIC: " No you didn't! Would you just listen to me! IT'S NOT YOUR FUALT!" Lilly said.
" Would you listen? It wasn't your fault. You don't know what your doing when you get that way. There's nothing you can do about it. So don't be sorry." Lilly said. OOC: Hey I'm sick I need something to cheer me up!
" No my fault. It was all part of Zed's plan. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have been captured." Lilly said.
OOC: Wow that's not good at all. ( Talk about stating the the obvious :stupid:) BIC: " Well your plan didn't go all too well. You kinda went biserk and tried to kill us all. And the only way I could stop you was to get rid of your energy by puting it into this key whole that unlocked this gate that was holding a very special stone that Zed and Grim wanted." Lilly said explaining it all. Then she looked and saw Seth leaving. " I wonder why he always wants to go off on his own?" She thought.
Lament was going to help with a special potion she had made, but because Ren was moving so fast, she didn't want to accidently hit him.
OOC: lol poor nick. BIC: " A lot." Lilly said plainly.
Lament still couldn't believe that one of the most popular people in the whole city had been talking to her. It felt like a very strange dream.
Lilly once again giggled.
" Um sure, no problem." Lament said holding onto the rose.
" No I'm fine. This doesn't take up any energy. Thank you though." Lament said softly.