I met a girl in a nambudo club (a kind of karate) when I was a teenager. At 17 she was a world champion black belt. She was average-built, not particularly muscular, yet I saw her demolish a door in two kicks. I' m pretty sure if you had said this to her face you' d look just like that door right now. ^^ Cloud' s ridiculous Buster Sword would just be a useless piece of junk in a real fight, regardless of its wielder gender. Especially considering his enemies have guns, rocket launchers and whatnot. I don' t think realism is what those games are looking for. Besides, if you ask me what is much more insidious than gender role compartmentalization is to make sure that female characters, whether they are physically powerful or not, always rely on a male authority figure : http://www.themarysue.com/reconsidering-the-feminism-of-joss-whedon/ Personally I don' t play MMOs, the only gender-locked classes I encountered were in T-RPGs. I didn' t mind them one bit, ultimately all I care about is whether the game is good or not. I get that allowing appearance customization is a nice plus, but it has zero impact on the gameplay. Sure, Vaan and Penelo were insufferable, didn' t make hunting eidolons any less fun though.
Well, let me put it this way : would you believe that I' m the real culprit of the Connecticut shootings, based on the possibility that I might just have metaphysical powers allowing me to shape reality without leaving any physical evidence behind ? If (as I assume) you wouldn' t, then your belief in a universe-kicking god looks like special pleading to me.
This is not the first time I see you saying stuff like this, though you were much more vague before, and it puzzles me every time. If he did kick the whole thing off then isn' t he not entirely metaphysical ? Shouldn' t there be evidence for that kick ? Why would you call it God specifically, instead of leaving it as the question mark that it is ? Third option for me : neither believe nor disbelieve, just reject (not guilty =/= innocent).
And it looks like that cool unprovable idea of the multiverse is actually starting to gain some weight in cosmology. Well what that link says...
You' re in luck then, sort of, multiverse theories are just as unfalsifiable as the existence of god(s). But then the burden of proof lies on you to begin with. Since you hope to become a doctor someday I suppose you' re aware that believing in it anyway is fallacious, it' s the same as jailing someone on a gut feeling, in spite of the absence of conclusive evidence.
Those that are scientifically backed up. Those I support the most are those whose reasoning I actually understand, I believe in gravity much more than in the big bang. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe, let' s try not to **** Earth up in the meantime. I read some scientists are more interested in the weight of the universe : if it is too heavy then expansion will eventually cease and reverse, leading to a Big Crunch. I haven' t read anything but the Big Bang theory, though I heard that there are other alternatives and that not all scientists believe the Big Bang theory to be the most compelling. As for any kind of intelligent design so far I haven' t heard of any compelling evidence to support it. If there are then chances are they face the same limitations as we do. That is if they even care about making contact. Apart from the survival instincts ingrained in our DNA ... ?
Become an activist ? I dare hope people wouldn' t let the government crap all over the burden of proof in my country. No one can read the future nor minds, not even alternate news sites. Unless there' s a scientific consensus about it you should take anything you read with a shitload of salt and cross-reference everything. Worst case scenario Al Gore is right and you' ll have your big reset button.
Does he live in Texas ?
I' d suggest none since music disturbs my focus, but I guess that' s not the kind of answer you' re expecting.
You' re going to hurt Kitty' s pride. Wait ...
It never happened to me, but I did stumble upon a letter that wasn' t left there for me to find. Its content is forever burned in my mind. Heh, could be worse I guess, some of my cousins/friends didn' t hear anything suspicious beforehand and ... entered their parents room without knocking.
It' s a neologism.
Nope, it can get all slushy and muddy and when it doesn' t the day/night cycle and the pedestrian traffic make it more slippery day after day, which is no fun when you walk a lot and live in a city built on a hill. There' s definitely a bright side to it though, whether you' re a kid or not : snowballs, ski/surf/sledge, pets seeing snow for the first time, no school or work for a week because you live in an area where getting 60 inches of snow in a single night is completely unexpected, etc ...
Woot, I guess I should check it then ! I saw it mentionned here and there, I was intrigued but I haven' t watched any episode yet. While I' m at it, if you haven' t watched it yet you should definitely check out Jacob' s Ladder, that movie was obviously one of the most prominent old SH inspiration sources
Euh ... je me demandais pourquoi tu répondais pas et je viens de m' apercevoir que c' est Karen Gillian qui souhaitait avoir des conversations...
Lion King my ass, he' s just a Kopy cat.