Luxord: Umm... Why is everybody singing? Have I been out long enough for you all to go insane?
Yup. Was your command prompt blocked? Or did it just deny access?
Hey, dude! I have a new method of making you admin on your laptop lol. Just a few more days till you get it, right? :D
lol Yep. Things that can be done for evil but I have not done XD lol (even though I really want to XD)
Okay, so I had the right number and managed to call your mother and talk to your dad and managed to reach your sister that got me to you? And if...
lol Nice XD Look at the post below you on my wall XD So, what ware you going to do with this Japanese? Play final mixes? Japanese games? Manga? lol
Oh, I wish :) That would just be my dream :D Being a video game designer would be like, perfect <3 lol Sadly I am still noob level XD Though, I...
Two things you NEED to see XD Well, not so much need, but I find this awesome XD Scroll down to the vid :)...
Still working on it actually lol. I worked with 3D models, edited music, lerned some javascript, got some programs, fun stuff :)
Don't post your number on Skype XD Make an account and download the latest version. it should give you a code. tell it to me via PM...
lol I honestly think that if they were you'r children it would't so much as phase them XD Kid: Okay. Pass the salt? :3
I did alot of stuffy stuff XD Played video games, worked on making a video game, photoshop, school, projects, tech stuff, Easter, my usual brand...
lol Sure XD I will just have to end up taking the convo upstairs lol. I will be playing BBSFM :)
lol My phone is actually going dead XD What games you playing?
lol I am not up to much. I need to get back to work on my game, I keep getting distracted D: lol I am currently watching videos and expolring the...
lol Your my bro, and I promise you no harm. But I see where you are going XD All the links I send you are completely safe lol. Unless your...
lol The link is a web page lol. You would have to actually make it yourself lol. Besides, a silly troll face wouldn't do any harm. Its just a...
lol Come on man XD Do you really think I would do it to you? " 5 Fun things To Do on School Computers There's all kinds of really annoying...
lol I might do the troll thing though XD