lol, im not even sure if they can call this an E3. All those poor people that went over there just to hear what gaming sites already reported on except with charts and graphs. I just hope the Tokyo game show doesnt suck when that time gets around.
Weeeell......Nintendo put me in the mood for a nap. I mean, the new Animal crossing was um....slighty interesting I guess. Not like everyone didnt already know that was coming. The hint at more Mario and Zelda was good. Not so much the mario since it'll be pretty obvious what to expect unless they did something really big with it. I could use a new Zelda for my Wii and DS, so I shall await those. Nintendo must really be doing good to make such blasé announcements~
Daaaw :^D Amber sounds so cute~
First time something on youtube made me laugh my ass off.
Akuma would be epic. But yeah, I'll probably vote for Sakura lol. Seeing her in SFIV style would be just awesome.
Bah, I cant decide between Cammy and Sakura. They'll probably have the others as downloadable content though.
Im glad you're finally being honest with yourself HB.
Zombies on bikes? lol. Looks great though. Definitely a resident evil game. The prospect of turning a corner and hearing that chainsaw rev up still freaks the heck out of me.
Oh HB, you lying whore. You know this is your real picture:
Well now I am thanks to Toots.
HB is totally touching herself to these o:
You stole my favorite actor and hero D: Im telling ;_;
That doesnt really effect Sony much. All their PS3's have been able to do that from the start. And the 360 still needs the game in the drive. The only people this effects are ones that havent gotten a 360 yet or people that will go out and spend another 100 bucks on it. Although this will help quiet down that loud behemoth~
Tomorrow Nintendo shall have their go. I'm ready for anything after today. I think. Knowing all of the sales they've been having, I wouldnt be surprised if they announce some new handheld symbiote that fuses with your body. Although it would be cool to walk around all "We are Nintendo!" xD (props to anyone that gets the reference)
Oh my, misty is right~ It does have that "Lazy" feeling to it. I just love the smudging of it all. Like a lovely oil painting, but without the smell <3 It's just so smooth, im totally in love with that dog (not in the beastiality sense xD). The only thing I would recommend is sharpening it, but only by the slightest amount. So I guess maybe the sharpen + unsharp mask misty suggested.
Van Halen <3 Makes me that much more happier that im getting it. But no matter what RB does, GH will do just as Libregkd said and " sell just because it is Guitar Hero" I mean seriously, the DS version was actually selling decently ._.
I broke all the rules in one IM. I rock.
It's Beyond my Birthday. Present nao?
^ I'd hit that ^
Aww, you drew me and a fanboy, how sweet <3