Well, if anyone cares, I uploaded the LEARNING RIGHTS psd: http://www.mediafire.com/?32xuoyeruaz It isn't labeled(too lazy) But, you can look at the steps I guess.
This thread needs stickied.
Well, I would say that I have good I deas, but lately, when I try to put them on the canvas, it doesn't quite turn out as expected.... Anyways, I know that there are alot of things wrong with this, and I can spot a few(Such as some of the blurring, and the random dark spot on the left, ect.). Also, I was trying something completely new, off of the top of my head, sincepeople have been saying that my stuff is sub par, boring, repetitive. Well, comments? Critique?
Have fun, [insert name]! I await your return!
RUN PROGRAM: GENERICINTRO.exe: Hi[insert name]! Welcome to kh-vids.net! Read the rules, post alot, and most important of all, have fun! Contact a staff member, or any member willing to help you, if you need help! [/intro]
...Well you're going to have to wait about 3orSo years.... Anyways..... RUN PROGRAM: GENERICINTRO.exe: Hi, welcome to kh-vids. Read the rules, post alot, and most important of all, have fun! Contact a staff member, or any member willing to help you, if you need help. [/intro]
Obviously all of the people who have said seph, have never played kh2fm :/ I mean, you can beat seph at about level 40 with extreme ease. It's hard to stay alive on terra at level 99. So, I would have to say Terra.
There, I tried... but the original is way better, IMO. From an artistic standpoint, this would be better, though. Thanks, guys.
^Get off the internet. -sigh- if I must... jk
You can't really see a 1px border too much, so I see no point in making it have one.
Wow. That free drive code didn't give me free drive, but it did do something. It blanked out all of the abilities, weapons, items, ect. It eventually made me freeze. Kinda weird.
>_> no .
>_> Is the same as ??? Thanks for da cnc.
lol DEFAULT lol cnc?