Cool! I mean no. It's from Sora13. OMG COOTIES.
You have issues.
~In before lock~
Bye have fun. (Only posted for postcount)
This has to be the most ******ed post i've seen in a long time. Anways, I really don't think you will leave, since like.... No one really leaves anymore. :/ But, bye, anyways.
JESUS CHRIST! What? Get in the escalade, we're outta here.
repliku: Sorry, it's not very good. If you don't like it, tell me, and i'll try again.
Yeah, i've been busy. I'll try and do some of them now.
Plz post a tut for the coloring. Great job on this, it's pritty awesome. You may want to burn it up a little bit though, since it looks very flat.
... ;-; 360......
Don't sit in the corner and sulk. It draws attention to yourself in a negative way. Draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.
****! My Xbox360 red ringed of death, when I was FINALLY about to play HALO3 ;-; -sigh- Might as well do the towel trick, and buy another one...
OMG TrOLL -banbanbanban- EDIT: Nevermind, it's just sweq.
-Slaps you- You could have had a V8...
Tutorials. What program do you use, by the way? Pm me .
.... Stop spamming, please. DAMN IT! NOW I'M SPAMMING.
Chaser, the thing is, you don't tear up noobs xD You point out a few things, tell them to follow tuts. It's basically a gradual thing. The better they are, the more you tear them up. You need to make sure that your focal is in a nice area, and not scrunched up in a corner somewhere, and if it is, make it flow outward. Also, depth plays an important role in tag making. It's simple. Blur things that are farther(Or not important), and sharpen closer things(More important things). And make sure that you read some tutorials ^_^
I didn't do anything to the sprite. That's how they are xD