**** You, *****..
Well, your BRAIN is what makes you live. It makes everything in your body work, so that it is possible for you to live. Everyone knows that.... So, if the brain stops working, everything stops, and you DIE. So, nothing happens, since your brain/heart/otherparts are not working. I find it ridiculous that anyone can believe that you have a magical thing in your body that goes to a perfect place in the fkin sky which isn't so perfect afterall, or down to be tortured and burned evern though you have no fkin body so you can't feel anyways.
You died.... OMGZOMBIE
Okay, that would be great :).
Am I on this list of yours? D:
Lol !1
That random pink in the bg killz this for me :(. Also, you have a bad case of fhs, too. I dunno, maybe a different color scheme would be good too. Also, there isn't much depth. Throw in a small c4d in the back, and erase it so it looks like it's sticking out of the dark, and then blur it a little. Maybe do that a few times. The lighting is great, but still, that pink needs to go. Anyways, bye, and sorry for the horrible cnc :(.
Wow. You guys are seriously ******ed. Get help.
I say don't ban any specific type of threads. Just lock if they get out of hand, or just ignore them.
Thank you. EDIT: wat? y u close. EDIT: in not closed. Mish edit: ohshi- I forgot to close
thanks, i try.
Simple and clean is the way to go.
Best signature i've ever done. No cnc needed.
I like the first better.
R O F L ! 1 1
Yes. I have a few weird ones, but I don't feel comfortable saying them on a kh forum. lol
It sucks *** grfo. jk. It's pretty good, but there are these random effects everywhere. I say just foucus on the focal, and erase everything else.