I'm serious.
Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?
Did my rep lower this much? I don't think I did anything wrong..... :/ it'd be really nice if you can fking pm me first.
It depends on what you are going for, really. In GIMP there are functions that are very simple to get to, while in ps, it takes awhile to replicate that.
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very very, mad world, mad world.
I LOVE YOU Da Freak!!!!!
Do you do the dew?
You do know that not every person on the internet is male, right?
Shame! -Smacks head- BE NICE!
People who talked to themselves and heard voices were called prophets. Now, we call them crazy. Hmmmm......
GTFO!!!!!!!!!! na im playin.
Sucks to be you.
If you do that, I believe you won't get any abilities when you get to sora.
You posted this already...
wdujgtfoomfubdbagdialfaic. That actually means something.
omgilovehissig. The only thing I see is that you need to sharpen at least once more, or blur once more.
..... -sigh-
Ok .
Why do you call people by their real names?