Excited! I'm on vacation rn so I haven't had a chance to listen to the new track they released but a follow-up to Shrines is definitely one of my most anticipated albums. Really pumped to hear what they turn out.
I'm so hoping it'll be recorded! Given the buzz around it I'm sure it will
Lovely Bloodflow by Baths kick up my ****, you wanna rustle these leaves get me so red, you wanna ruffle these feathers you are my bloodflow baby lovely bloodflow
what does it say about me that i saw whoppers and thought y'all were talking about bk edit: just realized i read 'whoopers' as 'whoppers,' in the space of one post i'm not only a fat american but i'm also apparently illiterate ( this makes having a degree in english super awkward )
pacific rim
oh my god I know Like I consider myself a pretty tolerant person but this is such a big and horrible peeve of mine I had this friend that would breathe really deeply and audibly and it drove me ****ing crazy
I think something like this would fall under the category of forming a habit -- now that 2014 is over, you might not upload every day, but you've gotten into a routine where you're regularly updating your YouTube channel. That was, I assume, the goal of your resolution, and even though you're not holding yourself to the every day mandate this year, it's more likely that you are going to regularly update. Congrats! Maybe I should make a resolution to write more. I have a certain Star Wars fanfiction to complete... I mean, it still suffers from similar problems as the previous two in the prequel trilogy. The direction of actors is very, very poor, which is why we get subpar performances from otherwise capable and talented actors (Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor -- though I think he does what he can with the material). Hayden Christensen continues to be a rather terrible actor, though I do think he's improved from Clones. In his defense, though, this is his first major role and I think that, if he had been directed better and given better material, he could have pulled it off. Beyond the actors' control is the script, which is actually decent in Revenge of the Sith, save for nearly every scene with Anakin and Padmé (seriously, that love is blind scene may be one of the most ridiculous scenes committed to film history). There are ridiculous lines here and there (love can't save you, only my new powers can", "from my point of view, the Jedi are evil", "he was... killing younglings"), but that's true of the originals too; the cast of those were just better at pulling them off. There's also the human element that's seriously lacking in all three of the prequels. Alone the overdone and aged visuals are irritating if ignorable, but I have a feeling they hurt the actors too. Most of the time the actors are talking to tennis balls in front of green screens, which removes their ability to feed off the environment and the energy of the other people in the scene. It's a weird environment, I imagine, to work in and it definitely shows. My final gripe, which we probably all expected, is Padmé. Padmé was deeply involved in the politics of the Clone Wars, but those go largely unexplored in the movies; we see them begin in Attack of the Clones and them ending in Revenge of the Sith, but the whole of them are relegated to two animated series -- which is fine, but Padmé has a huge role in the diplomatic side of the war that we really just don't see at all. She's deeply pacifistic and shedding more light on her storyline would have not only given her something to do besides staring out the window of her apartment, but it would have given the crucial and actually clever political backbone of the prequels more substance. We would have seen more of the corruption with the Republic and understood more about how Palpatine orchestrated his seizing of power. There are also several cut scenes from Revenge of the Sith in which Padmé, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma form the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance -- I would have gladly traded the balcony scene for those. It should come as no surprise that one of my favorite scenes from the prequels is when Padmé gives the "so this is how liberty dies" line. All that said, Revenge of the Sith does genuinely make me feel for Anakin's difficult position. He's torn in several directions and a victim of the many flaws in the Jedi Order (many of which Luke would later reform in the New Jedi Order). I understand and sympathize with his fall; I know that's an unpopular statement with a lot of diehard Star Wars fans, but I think that's mostly a reaction to seeing Darth Vader humanized. Obviously Return of the Jedi does that to an extent, but to me it makes sense that Vader would have been sort of a whiny and overconfident kid. I don't think a lot of fanboys like seeing him sort of demasculinised like that, which is where a lot of the bitching about the prequels comes from imo. I do think the threat of Padmé dying in childbirth could have been played up somewhat, as that's pretty crucial to Anakin's fall, but all the same, it's a sympathetic reason that he gives into Palpatine -- for love and for order. The Jedi clearly aren't sticking to what they preach through the movies (taking control of the Republic and basically acting like the policemen of the galaxy) and Anakin's opposition to that I think a lot of people would empathize with. That said, his transition to the dark side is way too fast -- he goes from trying to protect human life (Padmé, stopping Mace from killing Palpatine in cold blood) and being careful with his allegiances (he mistrusts the Jedi through the movie, and when Palpatine reveals himself to be a Sith Lord, Anakin pretty quickly turns him in despite their history) to killing younglings and pretty much blindly doing whatever Palpatine asks. It's ridiculous. Even considering that Anakin can be a pretty shady fellow (killing the Tusken Raiders), it's sooooo out of nowhere, and this is a problem that the originals have too -- they handle the dichotomy between the light side and the dark side really poorly. In the prequels, one jumps from being a decent enough dude to literally killing defenseless children by 'falling to the dark side' (which is an instant process); in the originals, Luke is always told he must avoid the dark side even if it is tempting and an easy path to power, but in Return of the Jedi, he momentarily gives into the dark side after the Emperor & Vader goad him with comments about Leia; Luke uses hate and anger to fight Vader and defeats him pretty damn quickly -- and then he steps back from it, saying he's a Jedi and he's not going to give in. Obviously the theme here is that the dark side isn't all-consuming, that one can be redeemed, which is crucial to Anakin's redemption; it starts to deal with this this of the morally ambiguous, gray Jedi -- one that can harness their emotions and use them to their benefit, keeping things in balance, and which we see explored more in the EU -- but the movies uphold this really basic conception of "light side = good" and "dark side = killing ****ing everyone." It's something I'm really hoping The Force Awakens explores. The action and fight sequences in Revenge of the Sith are really good though, I love the final Anakin/Obi fight, and the Order 66 scene is suitably dark and disturbing (definitely one of the most emotional scenes in the movie). (seriously, liara's bedroom eyes in this scene are ****ing ABSURD) I think that's a great resolution to make! Good luck with it. Maybe next time everyone flakes on me... B)
Slow Motion by Panda Bear
Good. I saw this on tumblr a few days ago but it's some of the best news I've heard in months. The prosecution for this case was an absolute farce and I hope this is a step towards justice.
It takes a really different turn around issue #19 so be prepared for that but definitely let me know your thoughts as you go through!
I read Haruki Murakami's 1Q84 this past year and I positively loved it. I previously read Norwegian Wood, which I also enjoyed, but I knew that Murakami's other works were much more surreal. I'm not sure why I bought 1Q84 -- it's been on my shelf for some time -- but I was intimidated by the size for a long time. I'm so glad I hunkered down and committed to it. I'm not sure if I'll be eager to pick up more Murakami in the future, as I'm pretty sure 1Q84 is his only book with a female protagonist (there are two in 1Q84, one male one female), and Aomame was such a special character to me. Really, really recommend it. It's puzzling and mysterious and suspenseful and romantic. I've had trouble picking up another book since I've finished it because I fear it won't captivate me the way 1Q84 did. Beautiful packaging too.
Returning from our holiday hiatus, your favorite podcast crew -- @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn -- are coming at you with a new episode! Joined by @Shu, we first address Kingdom Hearts news and updates, as usual! Recent comments from Tai Yasue suggest that Kingdom Hearts 3 news will almost certainly pick up in 2015, hopefully to a similar level that Square (and Hajime Tabata particularly) has brought Final Fantasy XV to. Later, we tackle the subject of New Year's resolutions -- whether we had one in 2014 and whether we've made one for 2015 -- and what new releases and life changes we're looking forward to in 2015. Misty gets on her soapbox roughly three to nine times -- you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shout at her to get a blog (joke's on you, I already have one)! Next we flush out some of our old user-submitted questions! @Quilligan has Misty create a roster for Kingdom Hearts Dissidia, @Eric Luna asks us to contemplate our morality, @Risky Biznu asks us to write/direct a jukebox musical, @Graxe appreciates color formats, and @Highlandeɼ asks if we've ever received celebrity attention. Finally, we cover some community news and updates! Users can still participate in our annual Castle Oblivion event, where your Kingdom Hearts knowledge will be put to the test for some neat prizes! Our annual Christmas video is also available to watch, which we strongly urge you to check out if you want to stop taking your staff team seriously. Lastly, we plug some of the places you can check out and support our recently-resigned administrator @Jayn, like her Patreon, YouTube, or by a simple donation. Tell us your New Year's resolution, what you're looking forward to in 2015, and your thoughts on the episode in the comments below! View attachment 41109 Download Episode #76 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
Saga is amazing! Did you get the first trade or the hardcover book that just came out? Either way you're in for an awesome ride. Can't wait for it to come back next month.
He's congratulating libregkd on the birth of his first child, obviously. Where have you been, Haya?
Anklebiters by Paramore
If your CPU cooler isn't working that is something that you should consider fixing asap. A new cooler is substantially cheaper than a new CPU and yours will burn out soon.
Processing video will use both the GPU and the CPU; to conserve resources, it switches the Windows scheme to something less graphically demanding and dedicates more of your system resources to the video. This is typical Windows behavior.
There's no functionality or add-on available for this, nor can I see it being created in the future, as these milestone posts are subject to change. If posts are moved or deleted or what have you, a post count can increase or decrease, therefore changing what your 2000th post was.