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  1. Shadow

    Thanks Xaldin, you rock!

    I thought Crisis Core was out already.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Shadow
    Or yes.

    stupid spamzone
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shadow
    After being around here for about 1.5 years...

    I'll get 1000 posts.
    Thread by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shadow
    New battery needed for sure. Somehow, it was damaged.

    The problem with the cursor is, sometimes dirt and other material can interfere with the pad, and it's not always on the surface of it, it could be under it, and your only option to fix that would be to clean it, but since that's a real pain, you should get a USB mouse, and let me warn you, my wireless mouse acts up on me sometimes, so if you really want to avoid ever having a mouse problem, get a corded mouse.

    Run on sentance.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Technology
  5. Shadow
    k i t t y

    Post by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Shadow
    I wish to be a part of this fanclub.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Shadow


    Just a suggestion.

    I guess we have to live with the confusion.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Shadow


    Maybe you need to stop ranting?
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Shadow


    From now on, every week, I'm going to be ranting about something random(Not always going to be video games).
    I call it, the ShadowRant.

    Want me to rant on something specific next week? PM me.


    Since the release of Smash Bros Brawl on Sunday, I got to thinking, and I said to myself: "WHY ARE THESE CHARACTERS HERE???"

    By "These Characters" I am referring to:
    Capitan Olimar
    Diddy Kong
    Mr. Game & Watch

    Firstly, Falco, Wolf, and Lucas, are all clones of Fox and Ness. Therefore being pointless.
    Second off, nobody knows who Ness is. "What is Earthbound?" People say to me. Earthbound is dead, stop trying to promote it.
    Also, Capitan Olimar is useless, 1/2 of his B moves don't do damage, and without making time to make new Pikmin, he sucks. Overall, a useless and weak character.
    Jigglypuff, has been in the Smash Bros Series since the start, and SHOULDN'T be in it anymore, nobody likes a puff ball, its bad enough that Kirby is all pink and puffy (he deserves his spot in Brawl though). Jigglypuff is weak, and extremely hard to be competitively good with.
    Mr. Game & Watch is another weak character, that nobody likes. "WHERE IS THIS FLAT BLACK DUDE FROM??" "WHAT'S GAME AND WATCH???" Nobody wants Game & Watch in this game anymore.
    R.O.B. is a robot, also, nobody knows about him, although I have never used, or seen ROB in action, I presume he is either really cheap, or really weak. Pointless.

    Other than this, Brawl is epic.

    Thank you for reading.

    Good Day, and Good Gaming.

    ~Shadow aka Kyle
    Thread by: Shadow, Mar 12, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Shadow
    Hissora, for multiple reasons.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shadow

    Thread by: Shadow, Mar 10, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shadow
    I'm going to attach an excel document that has them.

    And PM you.

    It's a list of about 600, but some are european/japanese versions of the same game, as well as one game, that has 3 different titles "Project Rub", "Feel The Magic XY-XX" and "The Rub Rabbits"
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  13. Shadow
    I've played maybe 150 of them.

    I have those games, but never played them.
    I got caught up in Custom Robo Arena and couldn't try new ones till recently.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. Shadow
    Wow, after counting.

    I have 410 DS games.

    Bringing my total up to...

    I think that only 450 something DS games exist right now.
    But I cant even play some of them, they're in japanese.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. Shadow
    I dont think Virtual Console or Downloaded Games should count, they were free..ish.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. Shadow
    Oh, libre, did you have that list on your computer this whole time?

    Mortal Kombat II for PS3?
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. Shadow
    Xbox: 150+
    DS: 200+
    N64: About 15
    SNES: About 30
    PC: About 15
    GBA/GB: About 10

    Total: ~420
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. Shadow
    You know what I mean, I'm getting it with 2 friends.
    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. Shadow
    I mean, are you getting the game?

    Post by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. Shadow
    March 8/9 (Midnight) will be an all out brawl, in North America.

    Are you attending?

    I myself, along with 2 others, will be.
    Thread by: Shadow, Mar 8, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming