Yeah, basically.No srsly though you're hair is so unbelievably yellow...
You have the most hairy hair in existence.
Well, you know what they say. Piss Lightning, shit success.
... :T c
I was pretty confused until I realized the whole thing was sexual. Then it all made perfect sense. Do continue.
So is that like a shopping list in the background?
They were actually surprisingly cute.
All good things deserve praise.
Your sig is like a slot machine. Fuck awesome. I feel like I'm playing Pokemon all over again.
Every thread except this one.
This is a good person.
I demand Ecstatic.
I remember the day I beat that *******, that was probably the last time I ever touched the game. He always ****ed me over when he starts sprinting.
Well I was pretty happy alone. But I basically got a Valentine in the last 10 minutes so I guess I'm spending my night doing what the day was meant for.