Roxas's KH-vids song is the only song that is possible. No need for a poll.
Reminds me of the time I went with guy friends to the Mall and they turned out to be gay for each other. What a bunch of stoners they are.
Mm, probably the most interesting things I learned my Freshman year was when we had to study Islam in Social Studies.
That'd be pretty stupid if she goes to a Christian School. Which is totally possible and totally common.
All forms of Religion have numerous contradictions and false statements. It's unfortunate that people today still allow their lives to be controlled by imaginary men in robes of white, but it's a fact that we have to live with. Despite what seems obvious to myself or you, others may never realize the stupidity of the Church and it's "holy" laws.
Note: The more hyped something is, the more disappointing it will be, no matter how good it is.
Strange, I came with the force of Thor's mighty hammer.
Well his Zanbakto, Murushierago literally translates to Big Black-Winged Demon, what'd you expect?
Is this video cool? Make a list of reasons.
I'll be sure to post obscene pictures of vicious R rated potentially sexual content. Probably a close up of a penis from a gay porn site.
I heard you had some questions about Photoshop.
You're gonna have some pretty big problems with 2020 then
Why are androids always women?
Shadowball also basically insta-kills psychic pokemon and Night Shade kept a consistent level of power despite any form of cursing or stat decreases as a result Karen's pokemon. Plus Hypnosis still worked on Ghost pokemon.
Shadowball and night shade
I disagree. Dream Eater + Hypnosis basically beat the entire pokemon league for me, the only difference between Haunter and Gengar is appearence and a few stats.
Get a Ghastly in Sprout Tower /game
Isn't she cute?
I'd like to say I don't have the time to fully browse that whole site. But I'd be lying.