Can you handle the pressure? It's all up to /b/.
Maybe later.
Dude, yes.
You seem so surprised.
Oh you lucky *****, I was about to say that Amazon is younger the you. But it is in fact 15 years old. Edit: Lol nevermind it's only 14. So yeah then, um, stfu.
Just thought I'd post a Demotivational Poster that you reminded me of.
In the mean time, [IMG]
I just checked, it's not there. I must have deleted it. Though I'd be very happy to take another just for you.
It's funny cause I beat him on my first try. Then any time I tried to do it after that, I failed.
Heh. I wonder if I still have that picture on my photobucket.
Fucking nerd alert.
Most were buried.
Sorry, what was that?
I've talked to him like twice. I apparently still have enough knowledge of the inner workings of his mind to pull a small argument out of my ass.
What affect would that have? They're all going to be dying shortly as it is. Bulldoze a Nursery School.
I forced my Dad to watch it. For the lulz.
You can say it all you want but whether or not a person truly makes a change for the better is left tot he interpretation of those around them. You can lay claims to all this philosophical thought but it's obvious you're still a self-centered and self-righteous prick still craving attention and thinking he's deep because of his drama. The person I knew you as is still here spouting pseudo-intelligence out of every orifice. You haven't changed because you still don't understand that. Dick my suck.
You haven't changed. The fact you made this post is evidence of that. XD
I disagree.