That's common knowledge at this point. That's like saying "Asuma dies" and calling it a spoiler. Btw, Owl City <3.
[At this point, Jaraiya dies, Kakashi dies, Shizune dies, and Hinata Dies.] I have proof guys. 80
I just thought I'd get some cnc on my design for this Year's contest. Let's go bitches. Not my entries but I thought they looked cool with the ink outlinesV } If anyone rips on this. Basically I rip their throat out.
Sorry, I didn't hear you. I was way too busy being the scariest thing you ever experienced as a child.
Wow, I didn't realize anyone knew I spaz violently from the left to the right side of the room when masturbating. What a clever Avatar. He has very responsive cornea.
Let's do this shit.
I just spent the last 2 hours replacing the LCD screen on my PSP. Fucking. Yeah. What did you losers do?
The definition of Trendwhore is to take a particular theme, idea, or meme, such as a saying, and to rape the the **** out of it through overuse and repeated failure. To be honest I feel a little guilty, not only for having brought the term trendwhore, itself, to KHV, but for having been the first to openly attempt to use this rabid form of trolling in order to create humor. Obviously the very act of trendwhoring has become whored. Which is sad and overall, a disappointment to society and the human race as a whole. I believe it is time now to cleanse the site of trendwhoring. We begin this by limiting the rights of trendwhores, they won't mind, they'll be far to busy screaming "epic fail" or something stupid that in reality, only noobs and trendwhores say. When they have become comfortable with their surroundings, we can round them all up and pool them into one place, a camp, if you will. Where they can live amongst themselves, rather then amongst us. While we're at it, we might as well give them manual labor to do, we can at least be productive about this, no? Of course with the introduction of manual labor, those who can't work will undoubtedly have to leave the camp. When the trendwhores first arrive, we can have a swift process of taking out those that are too young, too old, or too pregnant. They'll be put into their own safe little chambers to live in. There will be no need to ever see them again, they'll be the chambers. Nein, I think they'll want to stay. Wir können dann die Körper ins Feuer werfen. I think this will really be better for everyone, with these changes in place, the true race of KHV will be able to live in peace and harmony. Like, oh, say, for instance, those with blond hair and blue eyes. Oh werden sie es lieben. It'll be like a dream, the whole world wird an unserer Kraft zittern. Those that widersetzen Sie sich wird sein destroyed. Wir werden über die Welt, eine große Rasse, über das ganze Land, für immer und die ganze Ewigkeit herrschen. Wir werden das Ungeziefer, diejenigen ausrotten, die das edle deutsche Blut mit uns nicht teilen! GOTT WIRD SICH NACH DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VERBEUGEN. ZU MIR. DER GANZE HAGEL HITLER Wir sind kein Fremder, um zu lieben Sie wissen die Regeln und ich auch Ein volles Engagement, woran ich denke Sie würden das von jedem anderen Kerl nicht bekommen Ich will Ihnen gerade erzählen, wie ich mich fühle Haben Sie lassen Sie verstehen Nie wird Sie aufgeben Nie wird Sie enttäuschen Nie wird umlaufen und Sie verlassen Nie wird Sie schreien lassen Nie wird auf Wiedersehen sagen Nie wird eine Lüge erzählen und Sie verletzen. Thank you.
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Only **** do that.
I'm begging you to give me a 20.
So when you say Solid Snake you immediately think "SONY"?
You don't use it every fucking post.
Well then you must have been quoting me you little joke burglar. c:
Hey wow, so this is pretty gay and stuff.
Indeed. Chuck Norri.
Didn't have the time, but I listened to the whole EP on youtube.
Will Smith. He's been basically a badass in every movie he's ever been in ever. Plus he's black. I mean, Come on.
Oontz Oontz Oontz