hey sry logging off now oh btw you joined the new organization [nobodies return] from the other thread right? we had to make some minor adustments to your chrater
you would be number 13 and you still need an element please any way think i will call it a night bye til tomarrow
raine 22 Keysword that is long and bright element of light move: Justice limit light path armour that is golden and white semi serious but always loves a good laugh, sometimes worried Dislikes darkness likes friends and light good number 2
You make many good points Ehxmmil, we should have a mission but the leader has left me the instrustions to train you and recruit more members. I am basicly in head of the organization at the moment since Myrrh is not yet ready to rule and the others are having some issues getting used to the whole "nobody thing" but we do have a mission and very soon [tomarrow] we can start our ventures"
Xainkar turned to him "the true goal of the supior is not know but he tells me he wants to rule all the worlds and realms and punish those people that shun us nothingness he also wants to find a way to make us whole and have articical hearts"
Xainkar calls a meeting to the orgainization members that are there "Greetings to all of you Lately i have been worried that something has happened to the suepior" xainkar stands up clears his throat and drinks some wine then continues "Myrrh is now the leader of the twilight guardians til the supior comes back because she was placed second in command Myrrh are you willing to take this burden?"
farrow is stronger now and gets out of bed to look at KairiXRiku and Phisoxa he knows it won't help much because he is weak but he cast cure on both of them to ease there pain a little bit "Hang on guys you can make it"
the twilight guadians are now at 12 hey you can have wind i just changed one of the other guys to wind because darkness was taken we can move him to something else [saw you reading the thread forever wondered if you would join] "welcome to the twilight guardians Ehxmmil here is your weapon and coat" Xainkar then teleports infront of him "welcome to the Plalace of Dusk and welcome into the organization"
hey just a side note we are still taking aplications for people to become "twlight guadians"
farrow sturrs and starts to wake up "how are the other two" he asked the nurse "i am not sure if they will make it but there is always a chance" farrow then said "i won't let Phisoxa and KairiXRiku leave me they are my best friends"
"think that is enough practice for now i need to lie down and think some stuff over" I just feel empty... as for the name i go for twilght gaurdians "But i wonder if there is any hope for us we are just nothing but shells and fragments of soul........." teleports away to his dark room
farrow manages to say a few words "Phisoxa don't go....."
turns to Nebx "the power of the nobody you have it too in great quantities and once you unlock the power to control plants you will be a great warrior"
the soldier replies"they bravely encoutered heartless more powerful then them it is not certian if all three will live"
"wow... try to keep your powers under better control but you have great potential both of you nebx does too but i am not sure how long he will stay with the group" I like the" twilight guardians"
"I see" then he turns away form nebx and goes back to the others wondering "if what the supior told him about nebx was true and that his best friend made him into a heartless to be better than him" well i think since the castle is named the palace of Dusk we should be related to dawn or dusk somehow in the name
farrow said nothing; he did nothing either there was no movement but a tiny moan then he fell quiet into a deep sleep
Xainkar teleports behing nebx "feel better now? the others are pracitcing their weapons down in the cavern you want to come?" I think we need a couple more members before we chose a new name
the other soldiers come and help the three of us recover and bring them to a medical tent
"don't doubt yourself myrrh you are strong but you just need to pratice you are new at this we understand" "But the supiors absences is scaring me something could have happened too him. "Myrejex has a point" said xainkar "the organization is getting a little old for a name anyway. Does anyone have some suggestions for a new name?"