Heys i will start making a member list on my computer to help clear up some of these problems being solved this is going to get really confusing otherwise I request a full drawing of me and my dark longsword with a chain at the end if you could please!
k supior i will try to do a head count to see how many twilight guardians are enlisted [oh and thanks for putting me in the first drawing with you and myrrh that sword is excelent who is the 4th person though] btw nebx's element is plant if i recall I offically declare zanxe's element force Hey we have 16 members and the elements and some peoples weapons are a bit "shaky" for example i have no idea about number 8 [drunkenroxas] i think he didn't reveal his element or weapon and just called himself X and
double sorry isn't that the supiors i am pretty sure it is well water and earth are not taken and you could just be more specific and say gravity or something
Am I number 1 in the pic?
Nebx myrrh and Myrejex are progressing at a fast rate and deserve a promotion but zanxe is insane and has tooken my element other members of the organization are absent and the rest i can't remember about but other than that they are fine
Xainkar I will search the chambers above the higher castle you go below supior[signing off] what do you think of the name?
oh supior we have a possible new name for the group if you allow it "twilight guardians" any one know what number we are on i think it is around 16
"i am with you all the way Supior" said xainkar and teleports after him
*confusled* thought Myrejex was in hollow bastion any way gota go for now
"i was just kidding"laughed farrow then he summoned death diamond and put on his armour and went outside the tent to scout out the battle feild
Raine was walking in the desert one day looking for the old keyblades that he had heard once were here he sees one and picks it up "a keysword of light"he murmers then lifts it into the air and continues walking "i wonder what else i will find out here"
Farrow turns around and sees William "I have a feeling we have met before..... Any way i am mad i got injured before the real fighting began i only got to take down a benmoth and some neo shadows i better get a promotion or something for that"
turns to Myrejex "Then come with me" He opens a teleport gate and they step through to hollowbastion
Xainkar teleports to Nebx myrrh and Myrejex "there is no need for that I am going to search Hollowbastion for remenants of the old world in hopes of finding something will any of you accept this mission with me?"
"oh"Farrow then gets up and stretches "wow i have been out cold for an entire day" he turns and looks at Primm "How is the battle progressing?"
"I think we are ready this castle is boring i think we should go look for things in other worlds anyone want to come?"
farrow twitches and sturs he looks around from the medical tent "where are my friends?"
Xainkar summons his dark sword and charges at zanxe. He slashes at him with his sword them binds him in the chain at the end Xainkar then holds a dark ball up to zanxe's face "keep in mind you ARE expendable and I am sure the supior wouldn't care if i killed off one weak nobody with a mental issue"
"the bed rooms are in the east section of the castle ryku and xarcmio" Xainkar teleports them both to there rooms
Xainkar teleports and graps zanxe in a choke hold blast him with darkness and throws him to the floor "Try it again and you die" another note I have darkness not you!