Farrow has been trasfered to the main fighting army inside his head he thinks "i wonder how long we can hold up all these heartless" then he plunges into the dark killing every heartless he sees
well ok we vote and then you two act out who wins sorry Ehxmmil, Nebx is quite a charater i must say
"you know it is just a sparring match not like your life depends on it any way lets make this a good fight only one rule no killing other than that no standards
alright lets go and farrow summons diamond death and goes out to see the battle feild he goes away for the others to get a report from an officer
zanxe you can fight after this match you will be paired up against Myrejex " "of course we would need the first match to start for that! hurry it up guys"
farrow look at simba then at Phisoxa "wow i didn't know you can summon cool"
alright then Ehxmmil and Nebx get it on with we need to progress through the tournament yah myrejex we are having a tournament to see who is the strongest next to the supior and to help train the newcomers i strongly encourage you to participate" "come on guys start the fight already"
well Ehxmmil and nebx can fight i guess since he refuses to fight myrrh
"you coming to william we could use someone of your strength"
"are you ready to begin myrrh and nebx? I am eager to see this and Nebx don't worry about injuring her she is strong and tougher than you think"
farrow walks over to Phisoxa and puts his arm on her shoulder "don't worry you will get stronger" "well i am glad your alright come on lets go check out the battle i am starting to think that this war might turn completely brutal"
"first match" grins xainkar "Myrrh vs. Nebx both of you step forward" occ: interesting way to shake things up
"Oh that is bad i really should go find her soon but i want to stay with you a bit longer are you healing alright you took a beating yesterday" Says farrow shaking his head sadly
"In fact why don't we have a simple contest supior why don't all the members present [including nebx] have a duel in a tournament and the winner can fight you I think it is an excelent way to develop the new members skills"
Farrow runs back in the tent "hey good to see you are doing better Phisoxa where did kariXriku go? I was really worried about you yesterday any way the battle out there is geting intense we lost 40 soldiers and one of the generals was turned into a heartless i am not sure if we can win this battle"
"i told you, you are strong myrrh but don't be afraid to attack the supior he is more than a match for any of us just do what he says let him test your strenth"Xainkar claps as myrrh defeats the nobodies
Xainkar teleported into the room this should be good he thought watching the nobodies then turned to Sanjaxia "dinner is at 8 we are having sea foodtonight i didn't you read the organization brushure" hands one to him then goes back to watching the fight
hey supior when we get the list of weapons and powers and names finished can you do a scetch of either all of us together or individually just head and weapon? [hey i got to go i will be on in an hour]
i think i had to alter it let me go back and check i am like the offical charater tinkerer lol Klixens power is shadow can you include the weapon on the list too?
wow you rock Myrejex can you post the list or pm it to me when completed i want a copy on my computer the part i need most is the names of the people so i can tell them that this organization thing is starting to take off