alright its settled Ehxmmil and zanxe
the distant figure drew closer killing 6 knights with a blast of darkness then the sun started to raise and he teleported away
the metal knives then faded out of xainkars body because he was unconious "who is next to fight with Zanxe?" Ehxmmil will you try again against zanxe
Xainkar did a back flip to doge but the first two blades became loged in his side breathing hard he used one of his best moves "darkness come to me and destroy your owner" pointing at Myrejex with his sword darkness burst through his chest and then formed into the air and went strait through him "the fight is over" said Xainkar "you put up a good fight go to the medical room i will help you there"
Farrow was on the front line now with the heartless and he saw an armoured warrior coming close to him with a swipe of the keyblade his head came off
the sword grazed Xainkar's cheek he barely dodged in time then he used his weapons power to bind Myrejex to the ground with his chain occ this is what the first fight was sopposed to be like lol
occ: alright it will work for now Farrow looks around the darkness at the heartless then starts moving toward the battle feild
xainkar gets hit by one of the nobodies but the does a wipe slash with his sword and sends a dark blast at Myrejex that hits him in the arm
Xainkar ducks then kicks Myrejex then does a spin move with his sword
hey we going to start this soon this is a good thread and i don't want it to go to waste
: "Myrejex you are next " Xainkar draws his sword and rushes at him
occ: ahh i think he left we need to get some new people in this thread or something hard with only two
yah it is over since i don't think they are even here any more who ever is next challenge me i will show them how a fight is done
Miles away in the center of the heartless army a body forms and out of a dark pool comes farrow and he starts laughing"darkness it feels so good he summons his keyblade the black diamond "i see it has changed.... like me" "Soon all of the fools that are fighting the darkness will give in and they all shall become heartless" a struggle starts taking place within farrow "no don't do this Phisoxa is down there" the dark side replied "i don't care"
Feleix real name ileef element: plant weapon: a club that is made out of wood that has vines growing on it number 4
don't worry just one of you make contact please
Phisoxa grabs farrows arm and trys to stop him from sinking in the darkness he only manages to say ".....I lost.....remember you are strong enough to fight the darkness....." then his heart disapears out of him into the darkness
yah nebx wins
a neo heartless catches farrow in the neck right in the gap between the armour and helmet and then he is covered by then he sees his light fading away and say "Phisoxa help me" and then the darkness swallows him whole
alright since the vote was close i think the match should be two both of you put up a good fight and show off your elements and weapons a little bit nebx you go first