oh cool sorry i forgot it should have peices of metal floating around it like your knives that would be cool and myrrh didn't you already make a nobody wolf or was that another member?
sry Myrrh that is not exactly what we are doing.........oh good job Myrejex you are getting the hang of this being an org member thing i see Myrejex try to describe your nobodies
"remember the strenth of the nobodies comes not from your own strenth but your expiriance even the weakest from of a nobody that is summoned by a powerful user can take down your nobodies" to demonstrate his point he points at the Verdugo nebx made and summoned a creeper that then tore strait through the verdugo
sighs "always take all the fun out nebx don't you?" the rest of you try it as well ryku what is your element and weapon?
zanxe acess your element and then form it into a shape the shape will draw the souls of lesser nothings in and form your nobody so use your power over force and think of a nobody
well you can now try to summon your nobodies it will take much energy at first and you may not make it right the first time but you will learn [think about how much the supior is missing lol] well zanxe no i haven't i have just begun to learn about the darkness remember i was only turned into a nobody a few short months ago... If you truely mastered your element you would be completely bonded to it and your body and element would be one and the powers would be more like talking or moving your hand then summoning energy even the supior doesn't have that kind of power
Xainkar turns to zanxe "don't be a fool by thinking you have mastered your element just because a tree has fruit doesn't mean its ripe" "as for your nobodies to summon them you most reach out to others like you, the nothing and put them in a form similar to your own but they shall only be animals or servants compared to us" To demonstrate his form he throws out his hand and summons a maurader nobody that is roughly the size of a soldier heartless and it is also wereing a helmet but it has a large sword
I have learned to accept i am nothing you will eventually do the same but think of this nobody human or not is anything unles they do something so we are somebody compared to them anyway
Raine hacks his way to the center of the heartless "light" he cryied killing 20 heartless as the light dissolved them
"why are you here because you DON'T have the Right to be any where else" "Today you will learn how to summon your nobodies if you haven't already mastered it that clear?"
Raine draws his keysword and charges at the heartless slashing right and left
a dark pool opened and Xainkar steps out and looks around "i wonder where all the noobs went" he said
occ: sorry i gota go i will be back tomarrow
night peoples gota go i will pick this up again tomarrow you can keep going if you want
Xainkar turns to nebx "no killing"
lets start this off teh moment we become nobodies so we would all be confused about just being turned into heartless
alright s/o finish the fight up i gota go soon
Farrow sat in the shade of a dark tree "tomarrow they all die even phisoxa "no" the light resisted but it was to weak
his power is force so he can float and use gravity
nopes never happened remember kids cool moves but not like the awesome b.s. i just pulled to defeat myrejex