coughs out more blood "don't be afraid of the dark within all of us there is light a friend and family... i wish i could have been yours but don't worry death in this world isn;t the end there is kingdom hearts" then farrow fades being a heartless and his heart flys out beutifuly to kingdom hearts many stars away occ done for tonight i will be back tomarrow though byes end note score we desevre a grammy for that drama lol
farrow opens his arm to release the orb that would seal phisoxa's fate but then seeing her lying on the ground crying the light knows he can't win but he won't lose her. the keyblade goes through farrow, strait through to the other side having been forced through by the light He smiles knowing that there was no return from death this time "I care about you greatly, you and rikuXkairi but promise me don't be weak don't give in............" he chokes as blood comes up through his mouth "i loved you" occ: sad he died but great story sorry took me awhile to think of good ending for tonight
hearing phisoxa in pain hurts him much but the dark part loves it he draws a dark orb preparing to make her a heart less
farrow desperately try for a second it even looks like he will win but then he takes another swipe at phisoxa injuring her arm
occ its alright but i gota go really soon "hmmm....fff" lunges at Phisoxa with sword but he brings it down at last minute struggling "i don't...... want to do this!" the good part of the light screams "help me it is killing me....."
occ alright but where did Phisoxa it was just getting good and i gota go soon figures this is the greatest let down / stall i have had in a long time in a decent story role play
farrow teleports into the room with phisoxa and looks at her he slowly starts to raise his keyblade to strike "you" he says the struggle within becomeing more intense
Farrow walks on through the darkness wandering here and there he is caught up in a mental struggle between good and bad, darkness and light what should he do well he knew for one thing william and phixsora were to blame and then he decided to go to them
myrejex excelent job the others did really good too Takarnax but to leave no doubt to what you are doing or that some of you may be taking this lightly i will perform a simple demonstration quickly in a little while but other than that it was a huge sucess hey sorry guys i am simioffically declaring this thread closed til tomarrow alright since not that many members are left
just make the heartless and they will become nobodies kill the heartless and they will go to kingdom hearts simple
i will only be observing seeing what you have learned i will be invisible til then don't worry the heartless are easy to control with out hearts occ i will be back in two hours
well since i have to go soon i appoint Myrejex head of the heartless creation mission and hollow bastion scoutint mission because of the great potential he has shone in the 2 days we have been doing this thread i appoint him head of the noobs
this thread rocks but we should pick up the action soon i can just train the new members that come [or old that never joined] and we could start going to other worlds and stuff like that researching the organization and making our empire well that is my thoughts any way the big thing now is getting the people that have joined involved in the story and MAKE them join in and if they refuse then in the story we kill there charaters off that simple
the pic too might inspire the slackers and you need the list since half of them didn't recongnise there own number at first
hey Pumpkin King12 since you made the list could you pm it to people i would but have time constrants
hey that is sweetness hey we should send this to all the people that signed up maybe it will get them to post for once!
oh ok sorry for the confusion but as i said if this gets any worse we are going to have to weed out some of the members lol either that or do annoying pm's like i do and tell people that they signed up so post! that btw supior is how i keep this thread alive for the day you were not online
yah we have many members but half have never done anything more than sign up sigh well who knows
hey sry will be back either tomarrow or later tongiht bye
farrow teleports from the tree to the camp of the knights he greets every one warmly and tells them that "the fighting will soon be over soon .....very soon" and smiles knowing that they all will die in a few hours