sighs the tail itches but other than that i am fine lets go check this place out then he heads toward guiloteen squire
ahhhhhh mickey was the original main charater of the game no sora at all
Xainkar steping into the world of halloween town is surprised [very] to see himself transformed into a werewolf with his costume "woah this world is ****ed up for sure "
"well" said Xainkar opening the portal to the new world "who wants to go with me?" "follow if you want" so then Xainkar steped into the world of................drumroll........holloweentown
well sorry if your not going to post our policy is if you don't join we gota kill off your charater:( but any way we do still want you and we have done nothing important at all but create heartless and practicing our weapons elements and summoning nobodies we are just starting a new mission why don't you come
hahaha fine X what about your mask but you have to agree to go with us to scout out the world"
nods "good i did not get a clear scope of what the world looked like from the machinery but i did detect large amounts of darkness there ........... anyone else want to come ?"
Reading X's mind Xainkar looks around and says" you know your not the only freak show around here seen nebx myrrh or zanxe lately" lol "any way you could be useful for the next mission i am planing we are going to a world i have scouted out there are large area's of darkness there but i am not sure what will happen if we go there some of these worlds have strange effects on our bodies even as nobodies"
sighs "got into the sugar store room again eh , myrrh?"
occ well what do we wanna do for our second mission would be cool to go to a disney world or something like that and org members i know you are here i can see your names at the bottom of the screen probably trying to figure out what happened
i will give you the overveiw we are the new org the twilight guardians and so far we have done nothing but screw off and train until yesterday when they went on there first misssion that is mega brief though
yes you did join and xainkar is a nobody kinda second in comand of the orgainization [well it was third originally but myrrh is kinda just a kid so i am next]
Xainkar trys to remember his past but can't the few things that he does remember are pain he remembers feeling enough pain to fuel an entire heart of a world he also remembers darkness even before it was his element could he have done it, let the heartless destroy his world turning him into a nobody?
Xainkar sighs "where is the rest of the organization when you need them" alright today we will start a new mission once more members show up since yesterdays was a sucsess we made over 1000 nobodies yesterday
"as i have told nebx before he was betrayed by a friend that turned him into a heartless but he has forgoten it he was a nobody a lot longer than you"
xainkar was refering to you
name Necro age 777 weapon:death sythe [and very rarely death keyblade] appearance long black clock with a green mist coming out of it alignance:evil and darkness occ i may still apear as farrow every now and again to phisoxa as a dream or spirit
a pool comes up through the floor and Xainkar appears "i see" he said to himself "he has an interesting power ....... shame it can't be used on Nobodies or it would change everything"
i might be there if you deside to accually go to kingdom hearts but that isn't really relevent to this thread that would be like a sequal or something
hey listen since i had to kill off my guy to make this story awesome can i make a new one tomorrow i still want a good part in this thread before the end lol