occ so where were we i forgot......... oh yah "supior we have retreved a prototype heart from halloween town it seems to have hidden abilities
occ weird every one just stoped posting and that is weird since there is 8 org members veiwing the thread
"x has no memories he was created to destroy he has always been a nobody that is his nature and memories bring nothing but pain" occ sorry supior i kinda made up a little of X's back story at page 67 try looking back and reading the page there
the supior having knocked him out to stop him crushing the castle xainkar lay on the floor coughing up blood
the ground of the castle started rumbling as teh training room started to cave in the pieces of stone getting crushed into darkness before they hit the ground Xainkar grabed his head in pain
Xainkar started punching the ground making craters in it breathing hard he still shot out balls of dark ness while the black hurricane circled around the room occ well my charater is having a break down see above post and we just got back from concuring halloween town
down in the training rooms Xainkar had lost it for the first time he ever remembered he had a feeling anger he started blasting more and more dark balls around and then summoned his sword and started hiting the walls then the made a huge vertical colum of darkness that flowed around the room sucking out all light Xainkars robe was destroyed by the rush of power along with everything else in the room a huge dark spiral circulated around xainkar
"our story is all the same the story of nothing that no one will ever hear we are forgoten by every one now even if your friends and faimily were alive they would not remember us we have faded from their memories and from time itself Xainkar then goes to the training room and begins blasting the crap out of the targets using darkness
i think we have had enough of that for one day lets go back to the castle for now" opens portal and walks through
i was a scholar in my old life and my research was great findings that helped my world i had a wife.........and a child, a baby..... i was neglectful to them and didn't spend enough time with them.... my research i thought was far to inmportant] while excavating to find out the core of the world i found a large stone door and i opened it darkness swarmed through it killing every one making them darkness but i was different i accepted it i embraced the power and the next thing i know i was floating in space and landed in a island a strange one but eventually i was found by the supior and brought into the organization there was more so much more but it has faded from my mind body and soul
Xainkar wonders if he knows anyone at all any more "as for you i don't know i looked into nebx past scaning his heart when he got here but as for you, you were a special case.... you were created as a nobody for the purpose of being used as a weapon the supior knows more than i do he put you on the *list* of those to join ...." Xainkar pulled up his hood and teleported away to the castle to the room of dreams
"sure ...." occ i have my pic already and the group pic rocked
i don'ts think so whatever would be formed as a result of the cobination would but impossible to tell but it would be extremely dangerous that much darkness in one being with a body........... i will begin caculating the theroy later but for now lets relax this world is ours
xainkar said "what if we retrived our hearts back from the darkness ..... part nobody .......part heartless it would be interesting i will make expirimentaion notes to the supior
Xainkar calls to the others "attack any people you see turn them to heartless i will go kill the mayor this world shall be the first conquered!"
"this place brings back memories......" said Xainkar ontop of the curved hill "I wonder what would happen if we were reunited with our hearts"
then a bunch of heartless come out of nowhere souronding the group "yawn" said xainkar "i will let you guys do the fighting you need the expirance"
"come on we can't leave til we have completed the map of this world" and then he walks out to the graveward taking the heart with him
Xainkar looks around the lad and sees a roughly made mechanical heart "i wonder what this could be............ perhaps the supior would find an interest in it"
"well i am not sure i picked up a signal of darkness in this world and now i can see why it is freaking holloween here! our best bet is to head toward that lab"