Satan is very right. Ris is made of the purest of phail.
CtR's presence makes my day. :D She's like the chocolate chips in my cookie. Without the chocolate chips, what's the point of eating the cookie? CtR roxas my soxas.
Ris is genderly confused. Ris thinks she spelled that wrong.
I'm a girl?! :bored:
Because someone ate my cookie. Turn yourself in, before I use my awesome powers to stabbity you with a sword for 72 hours. Or you can kill yourself over my hopelessly depressed llama. Turn yourself in, beatch.
I fail to see how pigeon shmat was able to destroy the bridge. Unless we think that their crap is acidic enough melt steel and concrete, this is seemingly pointless.
Bruce Lee. No other words necessary.
I know. Isn't it wonderful? It's hawt. :luv::luv: DAMMIT. fid=vid. ^_^
Your life sounds suckish.
That rhymes.
So the jak = jake?
R-i-s. It's so hard to pronounce...isn't it?
LOL! Awkward...
Ew, crutches. DX I broke my left pinky finger playing kickball. That's pretty damn lame if you ask me. T_T
I'm at a tie between FMA and Naruto...
We better not. XD
Can I take pictures of TBF if you say no and post them here?
Database Errors love me. They follow me wherever I go. So I'm probably the cause for this mess. Sorry.