I wanna take you to a GAY BAR! *dances*
8888888888888888888 Gaaaaaaaaaaaaates.
I agree. His sig is a TUUUURN OOON.
.............. ...Oops. My pardons. I will be amazed if I get a vote. XD
Hers is a lot better than everyone's. XD Maybe not Cin's, but...
KH by a longshot.
It's a lot better than my first SOTW thing...it make me hang my head in shame. XD
Hope to see you again DS. :3 As for my siggy...I still say it fails XD
Meh, it was worth a try. :sweatdrop:
Juicy... /fillerz/
Try me, batch!!onz11!11one :yelling:
"They took our jobs. :("
Yup. I've had only 2 warnings ever. I can't even get a severe tornade here dammit. T_T
A TV notice. :( Now the warning's over. That's the biggest rip-off ever. T_T I was looking foward to it.
I laugh at your misfortunes. XD
We have a tornado warning! Holy crap, I always wanted to see a tornadoooo!!! @.@ Maybe I can accomplish a life goooooal! >D
Lee raised a black eyebrow as he took a tissue from one of his pockets and held it to his bloody nose. "Hilarious."
Has my fail grown?
I yet to have the pie in my hands.
Lee randomly snatched the milk carton out of Hinata's hands and poured it on Rayce's head.