Cin made me lol once again. Why the fawk is this still active?
Will Ris get her own Question Time thread someday over the rainbow too?
Is my cookie kinky? :O You don't spell cooky 'cookie' anymore. Ris declares it.
Lur Sofa Ish Back! =D
DA, is my cooky kinky?
See? You win. XD
Sora x Rosey. WTF.
DA, what would happen if I happened to beded the wrong member?
I'm quite the n00b. I feel proud.
Thank gawd. XD I felt violated.
Mish's former post made Ris antsy.
o rly? You have thrilled my life from the beginning. You may earn the cookie in the end.
The silence. /FILLERZ/
Buuurmp. :o
DA, what'll happen when I head for next Tuesday?
I think you would still be a virgin. First, you were too young to understand what sex and what a virgin was. And I think you pretty much lose your virginity when you have intercourse with another human/whatever.
Why does all the action start when Ris is away? :(
Ris is my best friend.
I say it's a tie! :yelling: Moodkip, Misty, and Cin won. T_T