Ris is unspecial to be put on the news. V_V My grammar is phail. *dials radio station on cell phone*
Everything looks perfect, except for the text...and it looks a little blank in the top left corner..but that's just me. =\ 8.8/10
Granted, but _____________________ and ______'s shemale boyfriend kills you in th end. And throw monkey wads at your coffin. I wish I could fly.
Phear teh eyebrows, BISH! Ris approves.
May I worship you? :O
Wish granted, but he turns into a monkey pig after your first 3 minutes together. I wish I could kill Gaara. And the fangirls not give a crapwad about it. =D
I think online dating is...ok. When it comes to people "dating" each other like, on Myspace, I hate it. Jesus, Myspace is home to like, thousand of sexual predators, yet...a girl from Pennsylvania is dating a guy from Cali. What the hell? Now using a site like EHarmoney...I say that's ok. It was meant for people to find a date, unlike Myspace. It depends for me. =\
Try this. :D Tah-dah! See what some grammar does?
D: /fillerz/
Where's yer wish?! >=( I wish I could change Naruto a bit...
Wish?!?! :( I wish I could have a few days with Lee in bed. :O
*smacks Element* I'm the only one who's supposed to give away the cookies. I do hope you feel better, Madi-chan! An unhappy Madi = an unhappy Ris. :(
No he doesn't. If you read the post, this occurred when they were 6 years old. They both were probably at the age where they both probably believed that babies came from the stork. They didn't understand it. Therefore he doesn't really have any problems. You can't blame children being curious. =\
My school needs to be bombed. Seriously. T_T
I must say, my chances of winning went straight down the sh!tter.
School starts tomorrow, my old computer monitor broke, and life is a BEAAATCH. Looks like my summer vacation is...over. :(
Agreed. /fill/
I just PM'd myself. It was entertaining. =\
*tsk* I want some gay cookies.
Sword with AIDS on it Self-explanatory. You get cut, you get the fun monkey disease.