You automatically win. :D
Ris is at your service.
He knows he wants it.
Here's your delivery, crono.
Lol, abuse.
There they are a-standing in a row. Bum bum bum badum.
Can I have a night in bed with you, Mish? :luv:
Maaah. -_-
Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. XD I will give you part of the cookie...
VGN.....:luv: Mark it! >o
You can have some if you want. :3 I'm giving some away.
Why won't you put us on the list? :(
NOOOOOOOEZ! Holy crap, you and Raito both? TEH FAWK?! :( Byez then.
Comma'z would be a nice add on too. HEAD ON, APPLY DIRRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD. >=\
You failed.
Space bars are for nerds. It would be a perfect tool for you, VGN
Dunno is a funny word. =\
I don't play Kingdom Hearts anymore, since I was ******ed and lost the disc. >.>
What about Ris and Rock Lee? D: Meh, never mind. We're married. But I demand dateage with Mish.
That fails.