@thekeymaster: I see your point on how they both share similarities. But, then again, how does the element bending in Avatar relate to Kingdom Hearts' names? And wasn't Avatar an idea in America? and Kingdom Hearts with Japan and Beuna Vista?
Geico is at your door, what do you do?
^^ :roll: XD, it's too bad it went more urahara than you
Lyk, **** **** Moodkip, those are awesome! That's a a nice collection you have...there's too many girlz
sseltraeHdegniWenO R3tsaM SseLTraeH
^ XD, lol Well I redid Urahara, in pen: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g31/SorasaxoR/Urahara.jpg
Is the world really square?
Crescendolls - Daft Punk
32066 NEW DRAWINGS! http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=1151265#post1151265
^ Thanks for the tip. I'm still a noob at this, so I still have a lot to learn. I made more: Urahara (I couldn't find anything to base it on TheChosenOne so I just did an Urahara, and ended up with Urahara intead of TCO) (Oh and here's the image itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Kisuke_Urahara_Anime.jpg I tried to follow where things are shaded, so yeah, I really need help on shading. and if you're asking why I didn't put the stripes on the hat, I wanted to make it like represent like TCO, but like I said, it was more Urahara than TCO himself): http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g31/SorasaxoR/TheChosenOneUrahara.jpg KIIIIIIIIITTY :D Soi Fong Sketch (I also tried to shading here, ended up a mess. sorry KIIIIIIIIITTY): http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g31/SorasaxoR/?action=view¤t=KIIIIIIIIITTY.jpg Roxas Sketch (The sketch i did all in pen last night, this scene is from the KH2 manga where he beats Seifer when they were walking by the sandlot trying to catch the theif. If I confused you, from the game, it's where he beats Seifer on the "1st Day": http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g31/SorasaxoR/?action=view¤t=Roxassketch.jpg Namine Sketch (Something went wrong here, I know what it is): http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g31/SorasaxoR/?action=view¤t=Naminesketch.jpg Forgot to mention: CNC PLEASE!
Just exactly what I was gonna say. It's very nice
Table or floor when eating?
Those drawings are awesome I don't blame you if you didn't draw me, XP
Second one doesn't have eyes, but it has a nose Will do That was actually the second thing I drew when I started these, the first one was Roxas, which I didn't post cause it was ugly as this
Do you like french toast?
What are you talking about, we do that cause we love you, XD
XD pick wheever you want okay more rules: good luck, XD