Penisbutter and jelleh sammiches.
Im a manly man. Cant you tell by my large chest hairs and whatever other stuff awesome men have?
I see reptar likes looking at pictures of woody's.
Tootz has no problems. She'll never get one <:
L_F had hard poo and everyone left after that >_>
Weez got totaly drunkz n da ircz.
He went to some other place, and then magically disappeared O:
lulz, Roxas-chan was asking about Tallian the other day.
Mine was the GUILT :3
Naaaaah. I didnt start there when I won anyhow~ Did you notice we both finished off with eliminating China? xD
Madagascar, you dirty whore. I know your secret now though <:
Badger badger badger badger
I dont think Prem reqs need to be raised any more. As it stands, they're high enough. Although I do think another user group would be cool sometime in the future. And that one could actually have advantages as opposed to just changing the limits to things.
Well dur. Or else me and joshua's ceremony would be illegal in a few states :3
Misteh is looking a little lesbian thar.
Mwahaha, Higher score :3
I did it firrrrrst >D
Yaoi section ftw <3