"thanks kairi it was even harder having to fight sora i mean shocking him throwing kunai at him i survived but just i went to the ealm of darkness not long ago i was stabbed by a sharp thing it brought back my memories of before the organization if you think i'm just a spy for the organization i can try to make a portal into castel oblivion again but the room is full of heartless i had no parents since i was 5 the organization killed them"larxene said "and chrystale if there are definetly 13 nobodies then how about xemnas' brother?"larxene asked
oh gosh i forgot we never got our lights backnaminé thought to herself then she saw a light but it went past in kairis direction she then saw another go past in kairis direction oh no its got us mixed they are both going to kairi she wont be able to be mean i wont be able to be nice i'll have to stay away
"well i was born with the portal thing i made myself look like my "so called somebody" then i went to castel oblivion and i made naminé change my memorie so i thought i was a nobody"larxene replied "it really hasnt been easy pretending to not be upset and stuff worst thing was pretending to be mean but i had no where else to go"larxene said crying even more
"yeah well i didnt do anything to hurt anybody all i did was summon them to surround sora and i destroyed them didnt i?"larxene said with a tear running down her face "and here is a secret i was never a nobody!"larxene said the tear fell off her face
"chrystale what i want is a home i want to protect the island because its he first place i properly called home thats what i want i dont want to keep moving!"larxene shouted at chrystale
ooc:can i be naminé please
"i sense heartless like i did earliar i keep sensig them and as soon as i turn around i can still sense them but nothings there wait i know"larxene said summonig a dusk and making it attack the scent but it didnt die so sh made it dissappear "uh oh i just had a hought what if ansem isnt in riku what if he managed to escape?"
larxene watched them completely hidden "i hope this doesnt mean this place dissappears i might end up having to say at traverse town i like it here maybe i should ask the others"larxene whispered to herself and she stepped out "hey guys did you see that star go out? have you seen any heartless?whoa!"larxene said looking round she hd sensed heartless behind her really close "ok who did that?"larxene asked looking at sora and the others again
larxene appeared and used thunder on all the nobodys destroying them all "hi sora i thought i sensed nobodys who do you think sent them?" ooc:i have to go now i'll be back on tommorrow so long and goodnight
the nobodys surrounded sora and tidus
"well that was fun hey i wonder if i can still control nobodys"larxene said summoning 5 nobodys "wow this will be fun go and attack sora tidus selphie and kairi go!"larxene ordered the nobodys
"whoa did he ever tell you a person called larxene was in the organization and guess who that person is?me oh and if sora asks um riku said that he was kissing kairi and do you want a short cut to the secret place?"larxene asked
"a walk?how about kissing kairi in the secret place?anyway did sora ever tell you about organization XIII tidus?"larxene asked
"hey tidus you do realize i was kidding right?sure i'm a vampire but why would i bite a freinds brother?"larxene asked
"you heard me kid you are going to give me blood"larxene said pointing to her fangs
"sora i actually had my blood i saw a couple of ducks anyway i was just bored maybe i should try and make jack skelington jump nah to boring i'm just gonna find something to do maybe annow your brother or something see you"larxene said making a portal and appearing behind tidus agin with her fangs out "i'm so thirsty you kid are gonna give me your blood larxene said trying to sound like she meant it
larxene looked into the tree house and nobody was there so she decided she would sare somebody so she went to the secret place and got out her fangs stepped behind sora and said "i'm a little thirsty today"
larxene got bored and decided she wold go see sora kairi riku and the others so she went to the tree house
larxene walked on the beach then looked around she could sense the presence of heartless even though there was nothing there
"well if i think of all the possible places i have ever called home lets see there was castel oblivion thats one and um that was it and i cant even get to the world that never was maybe i could find some place on a beach that would at least be warm under the sand and maybe there could be a fruit tree too wai the destiny islands have tha stuff thats where i'll go and maybe a couple of animals will come to give me blood so i dont starve so thats where i will go"larxene said opening a portal and appearing on the destiny islands ooc:blood is awesom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMsBSHi_txU