ooc:yes you two can be them bic:"i marluxia nothing much to do today is there?"larxene said naminé got up and walked around and saw roxas "oh hello roxas nice day today isnt it?"naminé said pointing to the sun
ooc:ok even though i'm terrible at starting rps ic:larxene walked around she had nothing to do but she was doing her best to look expressionless naminé was just sitting around drawing
your in and we can start whenever you like
larxene sauddenly noticed that a pat of her shirt was ripped "uh oh if that was left at the mansion i'm doomedat xemnas' mercy"
"really your sure? thanks you know your o nice to me but you know it was your choice to forget"larxene said opening the bottles at last killing her parents properly "the holes deep enough"larxene said placing the body parts where they shold be inside the grave buried them and got a peice of wood and cave R.I.P mum and dad
thanks even though the sunlight thing i'd prefer not to have but i say i might only be HALF vampire because i know my mum isnt a vampire but i never met my dad and mum said he was really weird he even had a funny name and stuff so all the evidence is there oh and i was in a forest the other i day and i blocked a badger whole with rocks
"thank you sora this means alo to me i promise i'll find a way to repay you for this i already owe you big time what with trying to oblitrate you in castel oblivion
"i'm so gonna put a stop to this i'm fed up"larxene said trying to stop crying "could you guys dig a hole for me i'm burying my parents"larxene said making a portal and started collecting the jars she saw a clock and it said she had 10 minutes so she went back with all the limbs and she put them down gently and started to dig a hole and a weak voice said "thank you larxenebut before you bury us could you please get all our body parts out of the jars please" "mum is that you?"larxene asked "yes but please the way they used out body parts trying to fuse them with nobodies and oh it was dreadfull"came the replie "so please get our heads out of the jars so we can rest in peice"came er fathers voice "yes mum yes dad"larxene said trying to get the jars open but they were stuck fast
of course and as i said if you wanted any characters i ave i will give one up
of course start whenever you like
hi CtR you wanna know what happened eh?well its kinda like this the other day i accidently slitted my mouth with my finger nail and my mouth started bleeding and i found that i love the taste of blood ever since to much light has made me dizzy and i miss you to *a million kavillion billion hugs and cookies*
i had two different dreams based on the same story and my name is ashley haywood 1 i was walking along a beach with a big cliff i saw a floating lighthouse and i waled in i had to press a button o change the shape of the stairs then after about 100 steps the lighthouse just crumbled with me inside the i woke up 2 i wassomebody else here but anyway i was walking along a tram line with my freinds and they had to go next thing i saw them go into a cave and they fell onto a giant spider web i helped them then we went to THE beach the one from dream 1 and there was just a floating panel there and one of my freinds said "ashley haywood died in that lighthouse" then i woke up
o here is the story larxene has lying about being a nobody (tut tut) but the organization are starting to get suspicious and later when the organization find out she runs to sora and the others for help taken characters larxene:naminestwinsister naminé:naminestwinsister marluxia:Chendler saix:werkku6 xemnas:werkku6 oc's Name: Aurore Gender: Female Age: 17 Power: Multiple powers..hasnt discovered them all yet Bio: loves to be a part of light as much as possible and loves to fight Apearence: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?...0&pageOffset=2 oc form: name: gender: age: power(s): appearence: bio: other?: if you want one of the characters i have i will surrender one to whoever wants it
ok posting sounds fun so whats up?
hi family guess what i think i might be half vampire how awesom would that be?
oooooooo this sounds fun a chao on an extreme gear yeehaw Name:wizbie Species:chao (normal) Element: flight Gender:female Appearence: Extreme Gear: "chaos' flight" type flight
larxene stopped crying to speak "hey chrystale good news sort of your dad isnt in the organization but what would you say if i knew when you uncle would alone easy victim but it isnt pretty hes at my old house three oclock tommorrow morning doing something to my parents bodys i can see all their body parts in jars and see through coolers they wrecked my old home"larxene said and started crying again
larxene stepped inside the house ad looked around and saw bottles and se though coolers of body parts and they had her parents names on them and were lables around them and one label said nothing except the date of tommorow and xemnas' turn larxene made another portal to sora and the others crying really hard she then noticed chrystale crying aswell
"father?xemnas' brother is your faher wow i had no idea"larxene said then she closed her eyes and she remembered her old home in a forest on an island an island identical to this one "guys i think i lived here beforei want tosee my old house maybe i can bury my parent skeletons!"larxene said creating a portal and running through and appearing outside gigantic castel "home again at last"larxene said not noticing she had left the portal open
suddenly naminé's voice sounded out of nowhere saying "beleive in yourself naminé you can feel any emotion if you want to dont feel that anger i the only way"