ooc:larxene and if i can have two characters can i have naminé to?
larxene felt really tired all of a sudden and fell asleep against the wall ooc:i have to go now so long and goodnight
ooc:me to in fact i should be gone now but i "accidenly dont have the time "whoa i feel dizzy i think i'm going to go to ..."larxene fell to the floor sleeping naminé just left her there and went to her chair again
"ok goodnight"larxene said sitting down but noticing something in the window it was that gigantic nobodie that roxas fought and it was staring through the window
"are you sure they still go around looking exactly the same because i could have sworn one of them had a different hairstyle"larxene said
"whats the matter roxas jealous?"sora said hugging kairi naminé walked over to roxas "hey maybe hes right you know maybe you are jealous here"naminé said putting the captain sappy hat on roxas
"oh yada yada yada do you really want to go through your memories when i can do..." larxene stepped forward and poked him and darkness stared to go to where riku had been poked "THIS. see its easily fixed anyway go back to your freinds and show them how dark you are"larxene said throwing a kunai towards him naminé deflected it with her sketch pad "run riku!"naminé shouted not realizing the work on her sketches for larxene were damaged
naminé walked back over to the others "hey guys i'm back and i have a present"she said grinning and got the orgami hat with aptain sappy written on it she went over to sora and then put it on herself "the latest fasion you see sora laughed "why did you make that just to put it on yourself?"sora asked naminé sat down next to sora and said "because i need a cuddle" "whoa back off naminé go hug roxas or something"sora said getting up and sitting next to kairi
"how should i know i'm only the organizations little puppet"naminé said larxene appeared throug a portal hiiiii riku its a really nice day why dont we go an see xemnas so he can turn you into ansem again how about"larxene said in an innocent voice
i call naminé please
"there i no need but i ask again what does your dad look like because if i heard you righ you said he looks like xemnas did i hear you right?"larxene asked because i saw somebody i've never seen before he was walking with xemnas
"huh whos that oh hes gone now chrystale what does your dad look like?"larxene asked
ooc:can i be naminé
"ok thanks"larxene said looking out the window
"lets just say xemnas is angry didnt you hear him shouting?i did he said he'd rip me to shreds and use my body parts instead of my parents and that i had ruined their experiment there are nobodies patrolling the island but apart from that i'm fine"larxene whispered like if she raised her voice xemnas would find her
naminé went to leave larxene stopped her "naminé wait you can change memories right make me think i'm a nobodie and make it so you forget you did it please?"larxene asked "ok"naminé said sketching in her book "well i'm gonna go catch up to riku bye"naminé said appearing in front of riku "hi riku whats up?"naminé asked
larxene waited for a moment then saw nobodies looking for her so she destroyed them and ran to the tree house and slammed the door shut when she got inside "phew i'm really in for it this time"larxene said panting
larxene felt rikus presence "we have an unwanted guest"she said "yes i know its riku"naminé said
suddenly a loud voice shouted from about where larxenes old house was and the voice said "i'll rip larxene to shreds she completely ruined our experiment to be totally immortal i will murder her like her parents the little two timing *****" the voice shouted "um i think xemnas found out what happened looks like i'm doomed"larxene said closing her eyes and whispered to herself "come on xemnas give it your best shot"
ooc:yes you can be riku and i think i'llallow up to three characters bic:"anyway i'll see you later roxas"naminé said walking away and bumping into larxene "oh hello larxene "oh hi naminé arent you supposed to be in your chair?"larxene asked