"i see you want to see the little traitor die thats fine with me"xemnas said pointing the other saber at sora and the others to try and keep them still and pushd the saber that was pointing at larxene slowly through her skin "ow i dont care sora chrystle riku go with tidus and selphie"larxene said weakly ooc: i have to go now
sora looked at kairi and said "you dont think rikus gone dark again do you?" naminé replied for kairi "no he hasnt sora even if he had you should have seen him in castel oblivion he destroyed ansem with darkness"naminé said
"oh two young brats that sounds fun nobodies come and attack the children"xemnas said summoning 12 nobodies which were now heading for tidus and selphie "as for you larxene you have got in my way for the last time now die!"xemnas said getting out his two sabers pointing them at larxenes heart and walking closer "go ahead xmnas you wont get tidus and selphie or the other by the time you give me a painfull death they will have got away!and so what if you have a parade of nobodies chrystale can teleport everybody soewhere safe!"larxene said xemnas just laughed and walked a bit faster until the saber was so close to larxene then he turned to sor and the others "didnt you hear her run i will track you down again dont worry"xemnas said
"oh i'm sorry chrystale i didnt see you there you can go after larxene my dear neice and i will make your death quick if you-"xemnas said as larxene kicked him into the magical barrier which then dissappeared "leave her xemnas its me you want" larxene said running in front of the others with her arms out to block xemnas "run he can kill me if he wants but you need to find a place to hide" "idiot girl do you really want a more painfull death?"xemnas said threateningly "i couldnt care less!"larxene said "well what if i were to kill your little freinds first right in front of you?"xemnas asked "me,sora and riku wouldnt let you!oh sora quickly wake up tidus and selphie send them home"larxene said
"sora doesnt this look familliar?and what about that gigantic heartless with the heart carved in its stomach?"naminé asked "everybody stay close last time this is how riku went missing we will probably end up in traverse town s dont go to far!"sora shouted to the others running toward the gigantic beast
ooc-thanks bic-xemnas appeared behind larxene "STOP!"he shouted to the nobodies and they obeyd larxene spun around "oh um hello xemnas are you having a good day?"larxene said innocently "larxene i will be having a good day but there would be no fun in letting these nobodies kill you"xemnas said "so are you letting me off the hook?"larxene asked "i didnt say that what i'm trying to say is i want the honour for myself"xemnas said snapping his fingers making the nobodies dissapear "now get ready to die...like your parents"xemnas said
sora stated attacking the heartless naminé looked away and screamed the island was breaking apart and there was a huge dark bubble thing and the sky was black
ooc:can i be xmnas as well please more nobodies appeared in front of sora and the others and another magical barrier blocked the exits again "larxene you let us die now we kill you you can know what it feels like to die!" the nobodie said raising the knife ready to kill larxene but larxene cast thunder on it "i'm sorry but i've suffered worst than death and you are just another nobody probably made to make me do everything xemnas wants!"larxene said casting thunder on all of them but they were immune "clever girl but you still have no power over me!"the nobodie said
larxene suddenly felt upset that she had awakened some of rikus darkness an started to cry and when she stopped it had been obvious she had cried
naminé broke away from roxas "heartless!"she shouted "on it"sora said summoning his keyblade
"larxene you cold have saved us from the organization but no you decided to let us die"one of the mothers said kicking larxene "ow!it wasnt my fault i was-" "oh here we go making excuses again you let us become an experiment face it!" "no it-its not like tht i just-" "shut up larxene before i tell xemnas where you are"the mother nobodie thing said taking a knife and slashing larxene with it "please stop!"larxene begged
ooc:ok ic:larxene was bored and was walking around castel oblivion naminé saw larxene and ran over to her "hey larxene guess what i found in twilight town an ad for a boot camp do you want to come along to?"naminé asked "um ok sounds more fun than walking all over the place"larxene said
naminé smiled and took the captain sappy hat off of roxas and turned it into a paper aerolane which she flew out to sea then she hugged roxas back this probably feels weird for him and if sora and roxas want to go under the sea i'm gonna hav to explain somehow that we cant naminé thought sora smiled and at the same time as hugging kairi he gave roxas a thumbs up
larxene got up and looked out of the window "good!"larxene said whoah!"larxene said pointing at a nobodie that looked kind of like her mother with the nobodie symbol actually she saw three of them and three that looked like her father with the nobodie emblem on them "so that was the nobodies big experiment "larxene said and suddenly a magical barrier appeared the one that make it nobodie get in or out and the 6 nobodies appeared in front of larxene
larxene woke up suddenly gasping she had a nightmare "what where am i?"she asked looking around "oh yeah the tree house what happened?"she asked
naminé followed axel "axel thank you for helping me back there i thought saix was going to kill me i was kind of worried"naminé said "ok what was that?i felt fear then i didnt want to kill riku thats not natural"larxene said to herself
"yeah but i think he got away hes still close possibly in the castel grounds"larxene said "leave riku alone!"naminé accidently shouted she tried to run away
"oh naminé she just over ... not there?by the way we had an unexpected visitor earliar i dont know if hes still here but it was riku i tried to awaken his darkness again"larxene said trying no to laugh
ooc:thanks when can we start this sounds fun
ooc:yes i already said to somebody that you can have up to three characters bic:larxene slowly woke up and saw xemnas "hi xemnas what happened to me?"laxene asked