suddenly there was a bright light and the next thing sora knew he was in traverse town "hold on whee are the others?"sora asked puzzled naminé landed next to sora
"come on it was just one wall you wont see anymore blood and guts or anything sur we have some defence mechanizms that the organization got past but as long as the house knows i'm there it will know you are guests and save to its memorie beside we have practise heartless and nobodies completely tame to do whatever we want"larxene said remembering her old house
"there"naminé said to roxas pointing to nobodies "dont they ever give up?"sora asked
larxenes had bleeded "ow what was that for?i said look for a heartbeat not stab me with knives!"larxene shouted
"wait look!"naminé souted pointing to all different kinds of heartless making a wall out of themselves and others getting ready to guard the wall
larxene rolled her eyes at sora "well sick of them or not you'll have togo back sooner or later i promised your mum eventually you'd go home sora so now i guess you have to go back or well i dont know hey do you think the organization are still using my house as a meeting ground?or do you think i can go home you guys can as well if you want i have a gazillion guest rooms anyway"
naminé started to thinkabout karis question then remebered who kairi was "kairi think its you he's after remember last time he was all "i'm goint to unlock kingdom hearts with the pricesses of heart haaahahahahahaha"remember?"larxene said
"sora they do it because they havent seen you n ages i mean if you hadnt seen tidus in a long time and you had a certain amount of power over him you'd be really bossy to right?"laxene said
"um you do know i was only kidding right of course i dont have a heart otherwise i wouldnt be here would i?"larxene asked
naminé saw at first what she thought was a smaller version of darkdide but then remebered ansems guardian and she saw the faint outline of a person "i think i can see ansem!"naminé shouted still running
"thats because i'm not exactly sure of the true reason yet but if you want to test if i have a heart or not you can always look for a heartbeat"larxene called and walked the other way
"look i'm sure he'll come home eventually and well just so you know i want you to try and be carefull xemnas might go after you to get all of us to come back good bye soras mum"larxene said running back to the tree house "sora you ont have to be so harsh o your parents they miss you alot you dont have to shout because you'd regret it when something happens to them"larxene said to sora
"well if thats true then fine but your not going to like it heres how it is i unleashed some darkness in rius heart the faint darkness of ansm but i also attacked riku and i- well i regret it ok there you happy now?"larxene said
larxene heard sora and figured she might as well try and help sora sh quickly looked outside to be sure there were no nobodies around then larxene ran over to sora "um hello soras mum the reason he wants to stay here is because he has freinds in need if he leavs some of us wont be around anymore so if you can let sora stay just a little longer just until we wipe out the organization again then he can come home i promise you just please let him stay"larxene said
"i-i have no idea what your talking about and even if there was something up with me then why should i think i can trust you?"larxene asked
"so do you mean he isnt dead what with the smile hes not gone for good?"larxene asked hopefully
"me?ok marluxia whatever you say"larxene said following marly "so what do you want to talk to me about?"larxene asked
larxene hears chrystale and kairi talking and was sure xemnas was gone "did-did you destroy him?xemnas i mean is he dead?"laxene asked
"saix um are you sure i cried beacause..." larxene pretended to look for something and summoned a glass with a little water inside quickly and showed saix "see not crying i was just creating some effects see" larxene said pouring what was left in the glass over her face
larxene just layed on the bed not even daring to move and breathing heavily but quietly