but uncle xehanort wasnt bad or dark he was good he helped me when the nobodies came he didnt let them touch me or my parents unless...unless ansem did something to him wanna see if ansem the wise can be ansem the dead"larxene said with clenched teeth
"wait come on roxas i probably read something from soras mind by mistake come on i'm willing to be freinds again"naminé said using a puppy dog face sora smiled
naminé came out of the shadows "boo!"she said making marly jump "that was a good thing you did to help larxene you know she didnt know she was a somebody until she accidently attacked my sketches which were a replacement for riku in the end"naminé said smiling
"hey kairi hey roxas!"naminé called "ok you two make be freinds and lets go"sora said roxas and naminé
"bye" larxene said unlocking the door and locking it again when she was inside
"yeah wow isnt that awesom hey do rekon there is anyway to get him back into a somebody?"larxene asked
"ok meet back here in 10 minutes"sora said running to find naminé and noticed her sleeing in the hotel reception room "wake up sleeping beuty!"sora said shaking her "huh oh sora its you what do you want?"naminé asked "i want you to come with us to leons roxas ran off as welll kairis talking some sense into him"sora said "come on naminé"sora said "ok"naminé said getting up and following sora
"ok thanks but why did you keep the keys when you can just portal inside?oh well that doesnt matter i'll see you later"larxene said
"what no i cant beleive it i wont beleive it we almost have the same uncle my uncle xehanort taught me to fight it was fun but one day he receive a letter from ansem the wise h promised he'd come back and i guess he did i cant beleive this though this makes us partly related wow"larxene said
"its a nice house thank you for letting me stay i feel really greatfull"larxene said
ooc: i know my freind was saying stuff like "look ma i'm road kill" and i saw the title of this video and i thought thats where it was from but obviously not bic:larxene giggled as well "hey chrystale do you know anyone called xehanort?"larxene asked
"thank you"larxene said stepping through the portal
"now what?we cant go without roxas and naminé all this becaus of naminé miss reading minds i can tell roxas is upset"sora said sighing
"hey you got here ok then?how do you like my house?"larxene asked chrystale "sora and kairi are sleeping"larxene added ooc:i'm not sue whyi'm posting this link at all HEY MA! http://www.funny-games.biz/animations/123-hey_ma.html
"are you sure you dont have heart?anyway thanks but make sure you tell me if the organization try to punish you so where is this mystery house then?"larxene asked
naminé ran and got lost she was in some cave she looked behind her still running and she looked in front of her again and she accidently ran into a post then she noticed a sighn that said "hotel" so she walked in and looked at the reception desk and there was a sighn that said "closed" so naminé just stayed on the floor of the hotel "hey kairi have you noticed we are a head short?"sora asked stopping
"so your saying your risking your existence so i can hide maybe you have a heart to"larxene said
"maybe not but stilli think we should just stay out of it"sora said as they turned a corner naminé seized her chance to run away and she ran as fast as she could
"that would be ok if i didnt just dissappear then sooner or later the others would find out your hiding me and then there would be a fight between you and the rest of the organization"larxene said
"you have a hidden house is that where you go when you just dissappear?"larxene asked