larxene opened a portal and walked through to the realm of darkness "wow i know this is the ralm og darkness but it sure is dark" she said and she tripped over something she looked at it but couldnt see anything there so she got up and started walking and tripped over something aain but a sharp pointy thing went through where a somebodys heart would be and larxene started to fade away like a nobody does but then a drop of blood fell and she stood up and there was a wound healing itself and then lots of lights formed the words "rebirth and revival by blood" "ok that was weird i'm confused is anybody here?is anybody doing something?oh well i guess i'll go home...wait where is home now?"larxene asked
i actually made them forget everything before me kairi and roxas went swimming so they have no idea how the other feels about them naminé thought ooc:i have to go now
larxene made another portal but just stared into it again she picked up the sword again and just stared into the portal ooc:i have to go now
"i can kill myself alone i should do it with the organization watching so nobody else dies because of me"larxene said to herself
"you know instead i think i'm gonna go take a walk by myself"naminé said starting to walk away "whats up with her you'd think she just murdered somebod by accident"sora said looking curious
larxene raised the sword to a point it carefully aimed at her then she dropped it and it land in the sand larxene had suddenly become paralysed and couldnt move
naminé put her sketch book and pen away "dont look at i have no idea lets just think of something to talk about"naminé said looking at the ground she really didnt want to have to destroy memories or at least misplace them
"you know i'm not going to le them destroy me i'll destroy myself"larxene said to herself closing the portal looking around for a weapon then she remembered chrystales sword so she ran back to the tree house drew the sword and ran back outside
larxene looked back and looked away she then made a portal and just stared into it
"ok i think this is my fault the others might not have been planning a fight tis early on if i just handed myself in none of this would have happened yet i-i think i'd better go turn myself in now"larxene said walking out the door
"what are looking at me like that for kairi? i have to do...this someday you'll thank me for this"naminé said and started sketching something "no naminé don' what were we talking about?"sora asked
"i'm not sure but if we dont hurry it will be to late wait a minute would merlin know powerfull enough magic to revive her or maybe yen sid?"larxene suggested and cast tunder again with a little more power this time
"ok i've seen stuff done in hospitals and i think a good couple of volts should get her breathing stand back"larxene said casting thunder on chrystale not enough to hurt her
"true i know he does but ansems faint trust me it could be the last darkness you ever use then yo go back to light its tanks to you riku that ansem is so weak you used so much light so what would you rather risk ansems return or chrystale's life?"larxene asked
"so riku can you use darknss to revive her?"larxene asked again
"ok i know how to prevent this going any further ursula go home i'm going to have to change some memories"naminé said getting out her sketch book and a pencil
"hey riku would you have that kind of power if you used darkness again i remember malifecent revivng oogie boogie maybe you could do something like that"larxene suggested
"well its a prettydeep wound we cant really take it out but we cant leave it in there either unless you guys kno somebody whos really good at healing people"larxene suggested
"i dont under stand what do you mean kairi are you saying you just want to fade away to nothingness?that you dont care what happens to anybody?"naminé asked