The International House of Pancakes?
I'm FTW, for the record.
Shannyn Sossamon, Christian Bale, and Samuel L. Jackson are probably my top three for the moment.
I made the shadows.....under a different name.....Phillipe.
I remember watching it like a few minutes ago.
That vid should get an oscar.
@____@ What in the world did I just watch??? P.S:Kikame you should sing more often xD.
Oh, shush you......meanie head xD.
I never lie...... darn I just lied right there xD
I only speak the truth.....well unless it is about Seatle.
Have you had tequilla lately?
I was here for the 11 yesturday.
I seem to attract unwanted attention xD
Well that can be enlightening in it of its self.
Wow, this place is dead with out me xD ,JK.
L'Arc en Ciel - READY STEADY GO (15th L'Anniversary)
The quad couple from heaven.
Maybe they want my autograph.
They were all waiting for my they will disburst.
Me gusto queso.