Well if I'm not a full time empolyee then what exactly am I doing with this personal card.....oh....wait.....his is card I got into a fight with....must have took it when he went down like Big Ben.
How could I forget it was a special servant skirt you bought for Kyle and I.
Nuro toxins you say????? I think they should cause nuros are supposed to affect my brain.
HAHAHAHAH xD Please tell me that wasn't serious.
In the french madies outfit you bought for me 8D
So this is what you get when you mix together large quanties of tweenkies and cough syrup.....you get acid.....interesting.
And the irony contiunes.
Is this some sort of Role playing game that I'm unaware of?
Are you trying to say cereal???
Really, you are making this too easy now.
The thing under you username.
The funny thing I find is adoption isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to believe. Cause there was a reason I was adopted could be due to the fact my real parents were in fit of handleing responsiblity. If that is the case then I glad I'll never met them and met my end at the hands a rocket/laser.
Wooowo, hold on I thought it was a rocket? Now it is a laser......I sence hesistation in your tone.
Ahh, my favorite thing in the world, irony.
Well if I can stay a cynical man with one aganda.....Me. Then I say I have lived a full life. Cause I rather die alone than live my life as a bubble headed optimist who thinks everything happens for a reason. You know like natural disaters, crack babies, sugar free candy, Hugh Jackman, and cancer. So if that rocket is my ticket out of this hell we all so easily call life. Then baby where do I sign?
It could have just been the stain for the glass that Sora was stepping on.
I knew you were trying to kill me you red headed devil.
But that is where the rocket is going to send me if I go on it......I swear a political debate sounds like a more human death righ now.
But I have an uncontrolable fear of deadly rockets that want to kill me in the horrible depths of space.
Or I could just listen to copies of Mariah Carey and end my missery that way :/