Really, but I like Dolly I.....but if we could clone a cat fused with a monkey.... then the world is mine.
Joke??? I thought we were talking about my previous attempt at cloning...but I got beat out by a sheep........A F-ING SHEEP!
But I like my other know......Dolly?
Call back....but I like the 3 day call rule.
I see someone has novio issues xD.
L'Arc~en~Ciel - 15th L'Anniversary Live - Killing Me
Joss Whedon....the creator of Angel and that could be an interesting........hmmmmmm....
Good luck and god speed with that.
Wait...does.....exploring for supposed lost treasure have a height requirement?
Well Tim Burton will sure give it the right directionly treatment. But I would like to see the cast list before I make a call on this one.
Medal's.....wait......did she steal from my lote.
I like to congrats a lot of random people.......then throw coins at them and claim they won the jackpot.
The last person I knew named Elizabeth started a bakery factory......but didn't give me a discount.......the pain I felt.
Yo peoples, Drake is in the house.
I'm going to speak in a Aussie accent.
I have a safer for.........what are we talking about?
I didn't read it.
Well if it was a 6 shot pistol then I'm not surprised it didn't have a safety on it, but it is still sad that this had to happen.
I thought it was well done. With the whole Catch the Pain's death and all.
I already read it.