Sai and Neuro is my all time pairing~ <3 Even if it is considered a half crack pairing. Sai and Ai is also rather cute, and sad. ;~; It's not uncommon to pair fictional people with yourself, most people do it.
Pfft, PMSing Itatchi should be at the top of that list~~! Best. Inside joke. Ever.
Alright then Burny-boy, what DO you like?
That's because grumpy old-man doesn't like anything~
>_> Well it's true...
Yea, now we should all drink cucumber flavored beer~!
Hardly, I procrastionate to much to get a real job. I'm selling my art, my teacher commissioned me for a princess for her niece. I finished it and am gonna go make a print of it soon.
I have roughly a top 37 list -__- Don't even get me started on how many anime people I actually know. A random message: All of you hare horribly obsessed stalkers, do you EVER stop stalking yourself? I mean you always know where you are, what you are doing and when you are doing it, don't you? At least I admit to being a stalker, but I bet you guys don't even know you where stalking yourselves!
I find it fun to, once you get started. Getting started is hard though...
ROFL I JUST stalked your DA down a minute ago, and now I find you posted a link to a drawing on it. >_< I say go ahead and do it~ I want to see more of your art. :3
Pen tool makes things a lot easier though. Still, it seems so hard to actually use a mouse... no pen pressure, weird movements to get the right lines >_< so hard to get right. Oh how I want to be able to use the pen tool ;~; Stupid Elements 5
Try unplugging the mouse and using the tablet, even for normal internet browsing. It will get you used to it a lot faster. The tablet will make it about 50 times eaier to draw with.
The picture as a whole kinda creeps me out, but it is nice. The lines aren't to off, and the anatomy is alright. You're so lucky to have the pen tool, my version doesn't have it, it makes lineart take forever. >_< I could give you some tips on colouring if you want, I've learned some useful things since I started digital colouring.
Lucky, I heard CS3 is great once you get used to it. If you're having problems with getting used to CS3, ban yourself from MS Paint, and try really hard not to use it. As for actually getting used to it, just try worthless little sketchings, and play around with different things. Find out all the options and make yourself familiar with them, or at least the ones that seem like they will be useful. I recommend playing with the pen tool and figuring that out, I hear it is really useful. I could give you some tips on what to use when colouring if you want. Just keep tryign stuff with it, it's how I got used to Elements 5, and then (it took a lot of work) Paint Tool Sai (that I still don't use much...) Don't forget, time isn't everything, I'm rather fast at drawing, I can sketch a pretty decent thing in about 10 minutes, but some people it can take an hour. It depends o you as an artist. I know how you feel about working on really big things though, the longer it takes, the more it kills me. Lineart is the worst though, if I can pass that, I can live most of the time. >_< eyes hair and skin are all pretty fun to colour though, clothing sucks though, half of the time anyway. I try not to drop a drawing if it's taking a long time though, if the lineart is done, I have to at least finish it, or try, if it looks ugly and I've tried a few times at colouring, it just gets scrapped. I just bypass backgrounds all together, trying to do the least I have to. Scenery is not my thing, I'm just really bad at it.
Ah. What version of it do you have, CS2, CS3, Elements? I have the crappy Elements 5 I got with my tablet. >_< Pfft, but he's pink an invisible, like a unicorn. Plus he's.... GOD What more could you possible ask for? I spew inside jokes out endlessly even if nobody knows them. Go me. Also I just checked out your DA Dark, you're pretty good, I favorited a few things.
IS HE STEVE THE MAGICAL HOBO?! I like Steve, he's my bestest imaginary friend ever.
Weird stuff? You don't know weird until you meet my hyper side. Also, I know I already asked but I didn't get any actual links, for people with DeviantART accounts, could you give me your username or a link to your page? Vex, that's a nice doodle, what did you use to make it with? An Oekaki board is what it kinda looks like.
That family mostly rabbles and talks about nothing, but yea, important things do pop up sometimes, we have is mostly sorted out now, but before it got pretty bad for a while. I dunno but maybe you guys should start reading? This place can't possible each +500 pages in a week, it's not that hard to read... Sorry, I don't want to force anything on you all, but I really don't want anymore drama and fights happening.
One person posted, I'm not gonna go into detail of what exactly, but then a person came on who like, never checks what was posted before, and they started talking with another person who doesn't like to read long posts (another large problem we had) so in the end only about two people actually went back and read what happened, the others didn't read it because those two people who didn't read it, talked a lot, so the important post got pushed back. Similar things have happened, not with such important subject, but still, it cause a bit of a problem when those things weren't read. This also ties in with people not reading long posts, for several reasons this also caused some HUGE problems. People feeling pissed because they put time in to write those posts, and that normally, if you're writing a lot, it's around 80% of the time something of importance. So you see, because people didn't read posts because of a: they where to long so they didn't bother and b: people didn't want to check what they missed It just ended up baldy a number of times, and I'm sorry I I repeated myself or anything, I didn't get to sleep last night, my mind is a little scrambled.