I have no friends to text or call, and like hell I would call or text any of the ******s at my school >_>
Longest trip in a car I have to take is half an hour to an hour e_e I also just don't really need it before and after school. Plus it's not like I ever go to the mall, or ever really go shopping for that matter, so no need for it there. It's like having a cell phone, there is just no logical reason I would ever need to have one. :/
Not allowed at school, if I'm with friends there is no need for music, it's to funny and random to plug your ears with music, and at home I obviously have the computer.
I don't know when I would actually ever use one e_e
Still, the structure of your face is really nice. Night. It's only 5:30 here but I'm feeling sick, I'm gonna head to bed as well, goodnight everyone.
You're so pretty >_< How can you say you're ugly? Also, awesome hair, it's a wig right? I would love to have a wig like that, it looks like it's really good quality. Being hyper is the best thing ever, makes everything just that much better.
Wow, is that you fake singing?
I love that one, I know the lyrics to it the best. My friend found a German version and they made me learn that as well XD
I love Lazy Town >_< What song is it? So about Roxas X The dog in the bag...
Watch'd Forbidden parings? Sounds fun~
Or am I really not here at all? Dun dun DUUUN~ *gets glomped* Yay! I had the biggest accomplishment ever today. I feel so proud...and sick. I think I'm going to bed soon guys, my head is killing me.
I feel sick, how fun. I'm gonna go believe I can fly now.
Aww, I don't get tackled? ;~; ...wait, what? O_o
You're welcome. :3
Nah, it was broadcasted live on Youtube. Made it a little better, because you can change views. Actually going to see it would be fun though.
You missed one hell of an epic thing. Sick Puppies played live and the Free Hug guy was there~ Will it Blend, Fred, Mythbusters, the random Asian guy in the audience who is my best friend, backstage getting a robe for Fred, t'was very funny indeed.
Nothing. Uh, because it was epic? I swear I saw Moot in the audience~
I have that type~ <3 You should download the new driver for it, that should help, as I had the same problems until they released the new driver with some of the bigger glitches fixed. http://www.wacom-asia.com/download/download_index.html You can download it from the official site.
So you say, so you say, who knows? Did you see Youtube Live?
I may know how to fix that, what type of tablet do you have?