Err... not really. I can sort of draw animals, but that are far from what I'm good at.
It's alright everyone makes mistakes. >_<
>_< It's actually not mine, it's owner is the neighbor of my friend...that's my not-so-friend anymore.
Thanks. :3 Read some tutorials maybe? I read a bunch them mixed all it together and came out with my own style. My dog? Do you mean the little poofy one?
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Mostly Twilight. That would be why. >:| I finished colouring. full view please, the face looks weird if you don't.
1. SHUT UP, YOU'RE NOT REALLY GOD 2. YA LOL 3. Well that clears up that. 4. FFFFFFFFFF I CAN DISPROVE IT WITH SCIENCE 5. ??? 6. I will teach it. 7. I JUST LOST THE GAMEEEEEEEEEEEE. But you did as well. Have a nice day.
1. S*** 2. Perfect. 3. Well it was rather obvious 4. OBJECTION! That is clearly not backwards. 5. ??? 6. I GET A TALKING PARROT.
Sayonara Zetsubou-kun. :| I guess now would be a good time to tell you everything I never told you... -I am really a 9001 year old man -I was gonna steal your parrot and teach it how to say Neuro quotes, can you put it in a will so I can just have it? -your mother is really a hamster -<insert insults here> -I always thought you looked like a person who would be able to stand on your head, and sing the alphabet backwards. -??? -PROFIT
If that makes you weird, how weird does it make me that I can sit for hours reading up about different things to do with the human brain, how it work, why it works, what causes mental illnesses, symptoms and such of mental illnesses, behavior patterns, it's all so interesting! >_< Your friend has some nice art Vex
Flame: Still, that's pretty harsh >_< Vex: Why is everyone's parents so grade-crazy? >_< My mom only cares that I can understand the material and pass, anything between 50 and 65 would make her unhappy, but she wouldn't kill me for it. But as for the other part of what you said, I feel for you. I'm just getting out of a really rough patch I had in my life, it was hard, but I made it. I hope you can too. My internet fails but I hope I can upload a coloured version of that sketch soon. I used a different program to colour than I normally do, SAI Painter. It's hard but really fun to use. ...I also find it amusing I'm colouring Sai with SAI Painter. Ugh, I get amused by such silly little things, just like a little kid.
-__- a 98% is still really good, going for 100 is a really huge goal to set.
Unlikely. -__- Looks like Canadians have to go to school for longer than the US D:<
That's the mindset of a lot of people. :| It's hard isn't it, having to take care of yourself more than most people have to? On a happier note, I think I'm gonna colour that sketch I put up earlier. I'm gonna try and send it in for a contest.
Sven: Never leave me alone then. :| Bad thing happen when I'm not supervised. Old people are either really joyful and nice, like my granny or grumpy and hateful, like...that one guy on the bus that flipped out in my friend's face. I don't blame her for crying after that either, I probably would have started crying as well if I where in her place. Not sick heath wise? Does that mean you're sick minded~? It's a love hate kinda thing for me. We never started talking about typos, the closest thing was grammar, and grammar is something you SHOULD care about. People who don't now propper grammar sound like ******s who failed kindergarten. To bored? Don't you mean lazy? May I ask why not? Xennex: You normally get a whole week off? WTF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF We just get a long weekend.
You're lucky you can just slip out of doing chores, with the way it is at my house I have to do a lot. Not because I'm told to, but simply because the house will fall appart if I don't. My mom has enough work as is, it's the least I can do to take care of the house.
Like I said, barely anyone is getting sick.
Uhh, because getting sick is common? I've been mildy sick for a while now. Also, hardly anyone is actually sick.
Yea, I edited colours and added the watermark in PhotoShop I have Elements 5, it's missing a lot of things, but it still works...enough.
Okay, I lied, I ended up not sleeping. I drew instead. e_e Anatomy kinda fails. That's why I dislike pencil and paper, if you drew something well but in the wrong place, you either have to redraw it or leave it. :| I'll be lining and colouring this sometime...maybe. Drawn with pencil and paper, colours edited in photoshop because I felt like it. I also edited out something stupid I wrote. DA watermark is there because I'm to lazy to upload to photobucket