RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, GET IN IT, AND IGNORE WHAT IT SAYS ON THE SIDE. Dr. Death was funny, but it wasn't just them that had names liek that, everyone else's name was a pun as well, if you watch after the ending, it shows what the names mean and such. Because of her job, her name is a joke of her job that can also mean something else. THE CAKE IS A LIE! *smushes it in hand* D:< *glares*
D: You're partying without the van?! FFFFFFFFFFF GET IN THE VAN!
I've only said it about a million times -__- Same with MTNN O_O *..walks out*
To lazy to type is so: BAKA *stabs with a marker* e_e I have a feeling I'll be like that blond girl from SZS if I ever go to Japan, just without the perverted parts.
Nothing is not never possible. Ah, the joys of crappy translations that just make you laugh~ Dictionary: 1. a. A particle of dirt. b. A smudge made by soot, smoke, or dirt. 2. a. Obscenity in speech or writing. b. Pornography. 3. a. Any of various plant diseases, especially of cereal grasses, caused by parasitic fungi of the order Ustilaginales that form black powdery masses of spores on the affected parts. b. A fungus causing such a disease. Aww, thank you, that means a lot. Though about the second part, I'm not exactly fluent yet >_< I can speak enough to get by, and I can read most Hiragana and Katakana, but yea, I'm hardly very good at it.
す、す、すす、すす、す・・・すす、す、すす、すすすす すすすす、す・・・す・・・ すき、だあいすき!!!! Easiest song ever. Rin is my new Japanese teacher. EDIT: ROFL Guys, NEVER trust translators, just look at this terrible translation XD It does, it does, the smut and the smut, it does,… the smut, it does, the smut and the smut smut smut smut, it does,… it does,… it does,… the being less crowded which is done, the meeting which is it is less crowded!!!! Epic fail. It's not even close to the origional.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I hate this keyboard, I have a headacke and I want to sleep. Bye.
Anymore bad news and you'll make yourself taller? Nah, it's not bad. Just waiting for someone to reply right so I can punch them in the face. Time is going slow, lets go over old memes for fun. Who want's a taco?
Thank you~ That's the exact rule that everone should know and follow. That's just what I do~ OLD. ROFL I haven't had that happen, I guess there isn't a very good popup blocker at school. I haven't tried at school yet, but at home no popups come up. >_< I have however had simlar things happen when reading manga (One Manga isn't blocked at school) some pannels are just.... err.... yea To the stars~
Pfft, we're not odd, you're the odd one. You really gotta try being An Hero sometime, along with a lot of people I know, I bet they would have a lot more fun if they actually just tried it.
Summoning your persona is also one I particularly like, though making yourself taller is ALWAYS fun.
Exactly, nobody knows what I'm saying. Therefore I am going to go back to playign the game I was playing (or trying to)
I really just made that for no reason. Not like anyone knows wtf I'm rabbling about anyway. ....I'm gonna just go back to playing my game now.
Burny-boy: I SSed a few frames, then made a .gif with slower frame rate per second. Neuro just back-handed Sai. http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr276/PhotobucketRazzu/Untitled-2.gif Hello and goodbye Higher.
BACKHAND NEURO BISH SLAP! *POW* My my my, now that would hurt.
Neither does hitting people because they are Boku, but does it look like I care? ...in fact, you can be a little boku yourself.
No, no no, that time he was trying to catch the train, he was late so he was gonna hitchhike on it for a minute or two~
Nah, he's not trying to kill himself at all! All he wants is to be taller~!