No!! I'm melting! Meeelttingg~! FTW, why am I not melted?! D< Yay for RoxasNoxas~!
*hugs Alex* Glad I'm not the only one who likes it :D
*looks up and le gaspehz* Liek, no wayz! There you is, throwing Skittles at meh!!
I know you did not just break my rainbow <.> Where are the Skittles gonna come from, then?
*headdesks for no reason* Ooooh, this pretty color never gets old!!
Curse you all! *leprechaun poof*
*waves like the idiot she is* Byyyyyeeeee, eastercat!!
Why is everyone after me Lucky Charms?!
Wahaha, that's what I first thought >.>
Hehe ^^; Dun ask, I'm only a little sane. EMUUUU~!!! *pokehs Emo Pengwin* Yes, I've realized that, iP. How have you been, anyway? Haven't talked to you in a while.
I agree, HisNobody. He did the same thing to me before >.> But it was okay!
Bye khchick :( See you later!! AlexAlexAlexAlexAlexAlexAlex!! =] Buchou and Vinniecent-Dearest are being EMUS!!
WTH, I have the Queen of Hearts >.> Criss Angel read my mind... Nah, not really. Anytime, HisNobody!
Hey there, rachel! Ooh, I have an idea! *explodes head*
Oh, I'm good, thank you. How are you? *hands over Pepsi* And I like that, eastercat ^^
FTW?! Monopoly? Can Macie play?
-Emo Pengwin- O.O NO WAY!!! *drinks uber lots of soda* -HisNobody-chan- Hiii!
*gets hugged uberly uber tight* Hi there =] Ooh, sounds like oodles and oodles of fun. Hello! *waves back*
*headdesks* Hey, the pretty color! Ahem... What's going on, guys?
Yay for sporks!! :D I love teh Childish Club DX I miss my Legos.