OH MY GAH!!! *dies* NO!! You're name is not Macie, poncho! My name is Macie. Your name Poncho!
Slap fight! T_T Not fun! Yeah, 'cause you don't touch them!
*headdesks and falls out of chair* NO!! You ish Teh Macie, and me ish Teh Poncho!! Alex FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
*ish glomped* NUUU! MEH LUCKY CHARMS!!
Hehe, I wish I was! But thankee! ^^ Iie, you ish Teh Poncho! Me ish Teh Macie.
Alex, Alex, Alex ^^ I'm sorry, I know. I'm an idiot!!
Touche`, poncho. Touche`!!
I didn't want your Trix anyways! And stay away from meh Lucky Charms!! *le gaspehz* Nu way!
Yay!! My goal in life ish completed! ...What made you confused, poncho?
I've always liked orchestral music. But, I mean, some covers are okay, I guess.
Who said I wasn't a kid?! <.< >.> I haven't had Trix in freaking ever!
The original is usually always the best, I think >.>
O.o Cereally?! No way, that's creepy <,> *gives cereal to RoxasNoxas*
Curse you!! *shakes fist*Even though you don't care, you made meh unhappay ._. WTF, I have a muskrat >.>
*le Oh Em Gee* Liek, meh too! *dies*
Bye~ Emu-chan!! (Yayness for Macie!!) Listen to Teh iP, he ish very wise and magical. *nods* *drags out of corner* It's MY corner!!
*falls out of chair* I found me Lucky Charms :3
Yeah! *pokehs Emo Pengwin again* Can I call you Emu? Hehe, I joke! Dun keel meh! *drags iP out of emu corner*
She may be shy about it. I know people who are shy about that. Not including me of course >.> *revives Emo Pengwin* STAY ALIVEEEE~!
*burns Nomura with flamethrower NOT stolen from Cid* :D