*ninja poofs* EVERYONE IS AFTER ME LUCKY CHARMS!!! *hides* She's on something. That's what I said. Shusheh! >.>
<3 <3 ^^ (iP, sometimes, I worry about you)
lol I dun think the Macie Way is a good thing, dear. But! I am off to bed, for the last time, as a dog-sitter, this summer. *dramatic* *dies* X.x But yeah, I'll talk to you two sometime \ \ / / \ \/ / Sleep well, mmkayyy? Ja Ne~! *hugs both*
*hugs Alex* T'is okay!! Ian is just being Ian =D That's funny, in a sick, Macie way. But those poor kittays!
*falls over* No way!! X3
Uhm... I'm glad for you?
Oh, bye byez, Teh Moodkip Poncho :3
That's a good name for a fishy. I might name one Vinniecent <.> I like Bob the Pimp Fish, though XD
GO, NINJA YUFFIE, GO!! I SHALL HELP THEE!! Nomura better stay the hell away from meh, though!! *cold chills*
Really? But, lookie! I dun care, Nomura still owes me >.<
OwO That's so awesome, RoxasNoxas! My frog's name is Axel <> But this girl that was in my class, she had a fish named Bob the Pimp Fish O.o
Oh, haha, sorry! *chases Nomura with flamethrower* Give her clothes back, old pervy man!!
No wayz. That's liek, totally unbelievable <.< I have a frog. He's a beast. True story!
*gives clothing to Yuffie* There ya go!! Stupid pervs...
*falls out of chair* Why must I be the only girl!? XDD No wayz, Alex!! *o* Teh Moodkip Poncho, yay!
*spins around in circles and points to iP* YOU!!
Fishies?! Yayness for the fishies!! *huggles Mr. Fishy*
I totally agree with you.
*hugs Alex* Yup :) Fine, me ish Teh Macie. You ish Teh Moodkip Poncho. I think I'm gonna call you that from now on ^^
Oh my- GAH! Terrible image! X.x