-Moodkip Poncho- I think they do too ^^ Why, Alex? :( *points at =3* *Le gaspehz* Look, buchou! It's EIJI!!!! *huggles buchou and Eiji* Let go of me now.
Yay, HisNobody ish back!! And I must say, I do love your sig ;)
No! It's the other way around, Moodkip Poncho. I bet I know why~! ;) But it was very disturbing >.> We didn't even say anything about the poor dear! *smacks Nomura*
Amen, Moodkip Poncho-san. I'll be right back, I have to go get a dead frog out of my sister's tank >.>
Hehe, I figured Poncho would show up eventually :D
*ninja poofs* Hi guys! I'm back ^^ What'd I miss? Bah, nevermind.
?? I was hugging Zexy's hair 'cause it's feel-goods got hurted.
*blinks* Scaray. *o* Awe, Zexy's poor hair!! *huggles Zexion and his hair*
*falls out of chair at the thought of it* Since EVERYONE wanted to know my brilliant idea, I'm going to tell you! Hm.. Do you think it would be fun if we made a KF fanficceh? Bye byez, HisNobody!!
NO!!! *throws shoe at Roxas* Did he hurt Zexion's hair's feel-goods? Hey there, KXR!!
*laughs at the thought of Roxas being a drive-thru worker* OH EM GEE!! I just thought of something!!!!
Teh Moodkip Poncho leaveded? Daaang it!! And I luffles it, Emu-chan!
But it was such a beautiful song...
*hides Caps Lock key* >.> <.< *throws racket at Tidus*
*brain implodes* PRETTAY COLOUR~!
Hehe, I ish confuzzled aaaaall the time~! Dun I know it =]
Hiiii DKM!!!! How ish thee today?? I wanna read it, Emu-chan!! T_T Not teh poley bears...
It also makes you right, Teh Moodkip Poncho!! <--------------- AM NOOOOOT!!! (See? I ish right.)
Give me back meh damn Luckeh Charms! *smacks Tidus with shoe* Hiiiii there :D