What?! Why?! And it can't be your fault.
*waves* Bye byez, Forsaken Shadow, sleep well! *gets serious* What's up, khchick?
I have something better! FLAMETHROWER (that I did not steal from Cid >.>) *torches self* Anyone know where Sorafan is? I miss her!
Me too. Okay, so what's the opposite of an explosion.. *IMPLOSION* Pwetty colors!
What did you do with Zelda, Poncho?! Awe, that poor, poor balloon =[ But my mommy told me I can't have anymore helium >.> I'm just gonna ask for it for meh birthday though :)
He makes me smile too :D (<--- Kinda like that! ^^) Poking ish fun!! *sucks helium out of a balloon* Wait.. I'm not supposed to do that anymore...
I have an idea!! ... Ready? ... *pokehs Moodkip Poncho* <.< >.> YAY!
Those drawungs are purty good, Emu-chan!! I drew a ship once, and it took me forever to draw. But then, my friend was moving away, and he stoleded it from meh! I didn't care though :D Tim Burton = Yayness! H-ha, thanks ^^;
Moodkip Poncho just popped out of nowhere!
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/billysgravitygirl/Randomness/Minis.jpg Don't clickeh it, or your eyes will BLEED!
>.> <.< Ditto?
Haha, no, you don't!
I made my own version of Axel, Demyx, Roxas and Zexion as chibis ^^
Running with scissors makes me feel dangerous ^^
No, no you don't khchick.
I know what Teh Emu-chan looks like now, yay!
But like, the sad thing is, it's Prince of Tennis. And she first pointed it out to me in the Musicals. O.O Sad, I know. Hehe, my entire being is far from normal ^^
I know! I was like, "Damn you, Montana!!" Ooh... *looks at mangas* Thanks ^^;
>.> <.< My friend got me to like a yaoi pair O.O Hehe, it's okayyy
Bah, you scared me! *hugs Alex* Ah, HisNobody, I have to tell you something important! *ish confuzzled*