I've seen it already.
Right. Okay.
I saw it, Aerith! I commented it as well *jabs chest* Why? Answer me that.
Liar! What the hell. Where is he going?! Why? Oh my God... *head bashes*
Okay, what exactly is going on now?
@.@ I am soooo wiped out >.> What's up, guys?
*ninja poofs* I'm officially bored. What's going on? (That's a good song, ichristian!)
Yeah, dun stab yeself! Bahhh, I'll be back in a bit. >>
Nyeh, Nomura, you're sick! SICK, I SAY!!
Yeah! What about Roxas?! Curse you, old man!
-HisNobody- That's good ^^ -DP- Yep *nods* *throws shoe at Nomura*
^^ I'm good, thanks =) You? Welcome back, khchick!! *hugs*
*falls out of chair* I know 8D
No-No!! *glomps* How ish thee today? SoraXKairi ish what I support!
My sisters tried being nice to me. Hah, it didn't work. As for the violence, it can be. I got mine from my parents ^^
That's good. I'm fine. I'm alive ^^ I just won't let Vinniecent go XD
*gets tackled* Hey there XP Haha! Guess what! Me neither!! Yay for procrastination!! ^^
Yeah, Macie's here! *gets clinged onto* I'm good and you? Feh, not much. You?
Uhh... Hi? What's going on, people?
I see you're feeling very optimistic today, DP. ^^