"If I didn't expect you to belive it, I wouldn't have said it." he responded. "I know what has happened to Axel, but none of my members had anything to do with it" he paused, before continuing, "There's something else, though..."
OOC: Oh noes!
"Hey," Riku said, walking up to the girl he had givin a potion earlier. "I'm Riku. I had no idea you wouldn't know how to use a potion, but I can show you."
Xadyn summoned his sword and used it to push Larxene away from him. Separating it so he had a sword in each hand, he responded, "Not that I know of. Is that all?"
'I'm sure late' Riku thought, arriving at "base" He looked around the torn up place, there had obviously been a battle there moments before. He found a room with many people in it, including... A giant robot. Looking at the other people in the room, he spotted an obvoiusly injured girl. She seemed to be healing quickly, but... "Here," He said, tossing a potion towards her. He walked up to her. "That looks like it hurts."
o.o How much sugar has Lithy had today? Too much sugar can make you turn blue.
o.o That still doesn't explain the point. It must be pointless! =D Yay!
Silly non-caucasians. Is there a point to this thread? xD
Can I be Sora, seeming as how whoever plays Sora hasn't posted yet? If not, can I be Riku?
OOC: Xert, I never remember saying you could join! >.< Not much has happened in the past three days. Basically everyone's just investigating Axel's murder. >.> CSI wtf! BIC: Xadyn stood behind a tree, deep in the forest, thinking over what he had seen hours ago. For an unknown reason, he didn't find a need to interfere, like it was supposed to happen... His thoughts were interupted as he sensed an enemy in the castle. He portalled to their location, sighing. "Why would you find the need to visit us today?"
OOC: Uh... No he's not >.> Xin left.
... LMAO The "Unban me" comment made me laugh, too.
O RLY? ~/Fillz/~
They're really boring, but I'm bored anyway, so.... I ♥ hamsters ^^
xDDD This is so funny. I could read it a hundred time and I'd still be laughing, lmao.
This reminds me of last year at school, they passed around a poem about child abuse in my computer class. Great poem. "But at least she died With her best friend in her arms.." ;-; that's really sad...
Yayz! /fills/
I was too. =P
31754 xD
You're no better, what with your horrible grammar of dewm and destruction. ...Yay for Rosey?